I have no idea what to do for Shoot Em Up! I can't do a stripper Alice! All my girls look like Barbie dolls! The baby looks like a vampire! My face is green and it's midnight and I have to be up suuuuuuuuuuper early and I don't want to go to bed I want to stay up and go ca-RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZEEEEEEE!!!!


"Sprinkle sprinkle...
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I need to get back in the habit of doing this everyday.

JJOB: So I got a new job as a nanny for VERY rich folk in North County. Holy Crap. The more contact I have with rich people, the less I want to be one. That's ok. I'm hoping to only have to do it for a little while. Not that I don't like...
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Shit, I never update anymore. And it;s not like there's nothing going on.

CHRISTMAS: drove to Portland OR by was of San Francisco where I enjoyed a lovely holiday with my sister. Chirstmas day was hectic, but the rest of the week was spent in my pyjamas drinking wine, taking naps, seeing old friends and general carousing. Good stuff. Left on New Years day and...
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Hey. I enjoyed the post. I am going to be in San Diego this weekend prepping for a meeting on Monday, do you have any recommendations (other than FISH OUT OF WATER, which looks kind of cool) for this weekend? Have a great week. smile
I did good things today.

I went to my whale-cruise training class, which was awesome. I'll be going out on a big ol' boat every other weekend this winter to see Gray whales and dolphins and gigantic jellies and seals and sea lions and all kinds of other marine goodness. smile >warm/fuzzy<

I went Christmas shopping at the mall. On a Saturday afternoon, in the thick...
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I want to get over the boy!
he's gotten over me and slept with quite a few other people
I need to be better!
Yeah I heard from bird that people buy other people accounts like crazy-frequently or something. shocked

Here's hoping!

And thank you, bloomy-mi-mi-mi-mews! love

You've always made me feel a little bit better even when I'm feeling better than ever! You only ever have something nice to say, and I'm happy to call you a friend, even if it's just over the silly webbernet. smile

Please stay in touch! kiss
Oh yes. Nothing like a night of art and talking to yourself. (Ron Vicaro pineapple rum. It's the "Captain Ron" of booze. I've had this bottle for like two years. It's that good.)

I had such a great Thanksgiving. Two friends and I drove to Oregon for the weekend. That's 1300 miles one way. We left Wednesday afternoon and were back by Sunday night. Truly,...
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I never saw the kitties!
Thank You!!! kiss
*coughcough* *snorrrrrrrrrt* Beh.

I feel so icky. What is with my sicknesses lately?? I get a full-on cold, or flu, or whatever...but only for like half a day. Then I'm ok for another 2 or 3 days. Then I come down with something else. How fucking weird.

So by this logic I hope to be better by tomorrow. I get to go home for Thanksgiving,...
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why are you worried about me babe?
I'm finesmile
Home sick myself. First chance to get on a computer in forever. Figured I'd stop by and say hello. Hello. Ok I'm good.

p.s. I haven't forgotten. I'm still looking. The best I've come up with so far though is either a 65 or a 67.

p.p.s. I still need to send you those pics. Damn I keep forgeting

p.p.p.s. This is Rik not Nik but you've probably figured that out by now.
Sounds like good times! EofDM! They rule me! love Jesse The Devil Hughes, played a solo to me at a gig once, flipped me some devil horns, and called me the hardest fuckin' rocker he's ever seen (to the crowd)! love biggrin

If I'm not the only one in agony...

It would all stop with one simple conversation.

Fucking women.
So many things coming up!!!!
Gonna go see JOAN JETT and EAGLES OF DEATH METAL next Monday!!! YEAH!!! I fucking love Joan Jett, and I've never seen her live. I can't wait. and EODM is always a good time. Tuesday begins the mini-tour with Motley Crue and Aerosmith, which is quickly dwindling. We may not be able to go to Vegas due to ass-raping ticket...
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Happy Election day!
So. Been spending my time being productive and surly. surely. Cranky and spitty. Back off my spelling.

Also been perving on Red Hot Chili Peppers' new one, Stadium Arcadium. I really, really liked it when I first hear it, but it kinda sounded like Californication. But the more I listen to it, the beauty is in the details and it's nothing like Californication. You should...
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You've inspired me to look into it again, thanks! biggrin

But what I've learned so far is that if they can you while you're on probation, they can give you any bullshit excuse they want... frown

But I'm looking into it again now!

And I'll d/l the new RHCP! biggrin
That's fuckin' awesome!

But those guys are dicks. Much like these guys. Fuck gods, fuck managers, as Leftover Crack would say. biggrin

Time for food, tehn research, then rattie-healing.
Today it's all gloomy and threatening outside. I like it. Stay in, stay warm and cozy and all that it entails. I need to ask if it's ok to use the fireplace during the day. love
I studied for my stupid child development test tonight. I hate those. Tests usually don't bother me, but these seem to have all nitty-gritty questions. Me being more of a...
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