Changing cell phone providers is a pain in the ass!

But exciting too!
Oh shit! I hear ya! It blows... I just did that today...

but... Im sooooooooo glad to be rid of SPRINT!

We went to the Ft. Lauderdale mueseum of art yesterday. I was ok, but small and anticlimatic.

On the way we looked at kayaks at a shop. By this fall we should have a couple of these:

Then we will become rich, and buy a sailboat and visit the Bahamas...........

And we'll have impressive abs!!!

And more tattoos!!
Ok so now I am starting to realize some things:

My biggest fear has been realized. I just searched everyone within 20 miles of me. This is a swordfight afterall!

Maybee my dramatic reaction is a subconcious effort to hide the fact that it's 1:26 AM and I should stop drinking!


Now for those other things....
Hi and welcome! Lovely pics smile
So for the past year of so I have been living vicariously through the lovely bostonbootgirl on this site. I decided that I should finally stop using this site mutely through her, and get my own damn account.
So here I am.

Question: If I never leave comments of join groups, would anyone ever find me?
Then again, that would make joining a waste of...
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Yay I made you my friend! Even though you ate beans last night.