funnny stuff

An airline's passenger cabin was being served by a gay flight attendant who put everyone into a good mood as he served them food and drinks.

As the plane prepared to descend, he came swishing down the aisle and announced to the passengers, "Captain Marvin has asked me to announce that he'll be landing the big scary plane shortly, lovely people, so if...
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WHAT?! no naked chicks? I'm seriously dissapointed
what a awesome weekend. went out friday night with some old friends. we went to varsity bar and grill for a bite to eat then we headed out to stas out in hillsboro i had to show steve and brandie a real good strip club wink i dont know about them but i had a blast biggrin one of the dancers had a striking resemblance to Annisa...
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agreed except i'm a little frightened by the zombee on her left hip.
im sad. i just got the letter back from the oregon board of massage thereapy. i was denied frown the leter said i dont have enuff hours in saitation and ethics. but i thought thats what i learned in personal and profesional devolpment 1 and 2 was sanitation and ethics. ive got over 350 hours of hands on and over 250 hours of human sciences and...
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sweet - i hope it works out so you can get out of taco hell!
frown sorry to hear that oregon sucks.
well what a crazy world. just found out last night a buddy of mine died in a car wreck. he was doin 102 down a road you really should only be doin like 40 if that on some parts. well he lost control and hit a pole. we told him on many smoke drives you really dont want to go that fast. kid was only...
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Ohhh my god what a great weekend. so the halloween party was fucking great. highlight of the party we got kicked out of muchos. yep kicked out. so we were waiting for some people outside and one of the workers came out um we need you guys to leave. munkeey: well why? worker: your disturbing are guests. Munkeey we are your guests and we got...
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that looks like a fun Halloween party!
I love everyone's costumes...seem like my kind of people
kiss skull robot EL SUICIDO LOCO ARRR!!! ooo aaa