well this is my last post, not that anyone reads this because i'm not part of the "click" like the rest of you lemmings. when i first started on here girls were cool and had more than one tattoo on their ankle. so i'll be saving 40 a year and can still get ignored by everyone
Awww =( Im sorry you're leaving. Thats actually pretty sad to hear. =/
blah, this is my last post, my subscription runs out in septemeber, i won't be renewing, less than a hand full read this, i can't get into any of the groups i wanna because i'm not part of the "click", the groups im in people just put me down about my opinions/comments i put on them. and some people are "too big" to talk to...
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wow when that from 2006?
Awww pretty lady, you make a cute couple smile
I keep thinking I see you in the Orange Tree now! I never expect to see people off of SG in real life, so I don't pay enough attention! SO please say hi if you do come in again, my real name is Sharon anyway, and I'll work it out! :-D HAPPY EARLY BDAY! x nice tattoos!
Christmas is over, back to work on tuesday, my tee shirts feel tighter, biggest cliche ever but the diet starts tomorrow, first day i've been sober!!
so i'm now involved with yet another social network!!

come see me chat shit

click here fools
Wow!! It must be nice to live in a place where the shops close for Christmas. Some of our grocery stores close half a day, (in the morning) but very few businesses stay closed the entire day, which I think really sucks for the people who have to work instead of spending time with the friends and family!! I'm a Republican, so I'm all about making money, but it's Christmas for God's sakes!! I'm closing my business on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (we're alway closed on Sundays) and I'm paying my employees for both days, because I appreciate the hard work they put in year round. I really can't believe it would be a matter of life and death if other business did the same!!