It's been too long. Life gets in the way sometimes, you know? I hope everyone is doing well. I have been busy working my bum off on cosplays, work, and every day life stuff.

Speaking of life stuff, I may be entering into a partnership to do wedding photography. This would be such a blessing because I really need some sort of creative outlet in...
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@colchicine hahaha thank you. It literally takes all of my being to be like look, i'm trying to work, and it makes it difficult when you are letting your child destroy my store. Or when the kiddos play outside and scream bloody fuckin' murder and I have to say hey, my parents would have beat us if we screamed like that. The only time it's okay to scream like that is when you are being hurt and need to draw attention to yourself. And they get it for a little while and start again so i tell them and itms just a vicious circle..
I envy your self control! I hate when they scream like that outside, ive went out to look for who is screaming to make sure they weren't being abducted or got hit by a car ( like the very few reasons i would have screamed as a kid) and they are always just screaming to scream for no reason. I always tell them to stop it because if they scream like that all the time then everyone will ignore them when something bad happens. Every time i have went out to check on screaming kids, NO OTHER ADULTS are out there!!!! Not a single other person came out to see what's going on or to tell their kids to shut up. My parents always told me to shut up, lol. They always told us kids to be quiet, even the neighbors kids when they played with us. Do parents not read bed time stories to their kids anymore either? My parents read me "the boy who cried wolf" several times. And it was a creepy old (German i think)book so the stories weren't G-rated, lot's of gruesome deaths to teach a lesson 0_O

So @deesilvs tagged me to stop drop and selfie. I just got home from work so I'm gross and need a bath.

I suppose I will tag @eleanor, @tokyo, and @cye :)

Hah. Suckered you in :D Great pic yo :)

It's been a hot minute (again..) and I'm sorry for that. I have had so much on my plate recently that I just didn't have time to do anything. I was however reward with three days off in a row followed by today off. It's been such a wonderfully rainy morning, I have decided to spend a little time on here and catch back up!...
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@cameo_ yea I wondered if they would say anything. You could tell it was the same place! I wonder if there's a rule against it.. 😳 @wildlycoherent and I wondered if we should say anything.. Well I'm sorry it happened! Your next set will be wonderful too
@meera I really don't think there is an actual rule against it. And I don't think they would have said anything. I mean tulsa is considerably small in places that you can shoot those kinds of photos and sets in so it's bound to happen. But saying something would have been nice. I know that set will come out beautiful, though. :) i loved that romper you wore. I didn't even know it was the same place until I saw a photo she posted of you facing that wall with the branches. If I end up submitting I know it won't be a big deal because they are totally diffetent sets. I'm just upset because I put work into that and I can't do this as often as most girls. I have some cool locations coming up next though!

Hello kittens! I hope all of you are doing well. :) I've just decided to write a quick update and say hello!

So some big news! @cye and I went and shot myself another set this past Wednesday! It was so much fun and I can't wait to see the finished product and get it submitted! She's the best friend anyone could have ever asked...
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@zephyrine thank you beautiful! I can't wait for it to be finished!
@cameo_ and I cannot wait to see!

If anybody is interested and giving a follow and watching my photography grow, CLICK HERE and help support me. I only have one post on it right now, but now that I'm home with a charger, I am going to put up some more photos. :)