Ambien & Acupuncture Tea Leaves

The ambien has kicked in (it's all I have) so the surreality is limpid. Oh to be eulogized by the bard, the talent of @RealCliveBarker. A moment, a breath, a line or two in the spotlight. They remember. I'm somebody's favorite, he squeaked. That person loves me, and I live in the replayed tendrils curling about your feet. I'll haunt...
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Mungus @ Derby City Espresso!

If you want to see Mungus, this is your last opportunity in 2009. We're performing December 11th in Louisville at Derby City Espresso. We'll be joined by Trust Divided, the fantastically talented Hippiedigger, and our old friends The Layzees.

This information is all on the flier below, but I'll write it out anyway. Derby City...
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Mungus @ Cicero's in St. Louis

We're performing at Cicero's in The Loop in St. Louis this Friday night (October 23, 2009). If we sent six 11x17 fliers to the venue we get free pizza. Or something. So I designed six different fliers with the intention of using each one in a cycle for new shows.

Click on the link below each image to learn...
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IMU Band of the Week to Perform at PHT Tomorrow Night!

Greetings Horde!

If you live in the Louisville area, come see the Indie Music Universe BAND of the WEEK perform tomorrow night, Wednesday, September 9, at Phoenix Hill Tavern! Who is this critically lauded band? Which band is making waves in the national and international community? That's right, beloved horde... it's Mungus!

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HCl is a gas and the liquid form (what I'm using) is called muriatic acid. I released, violently, HCl. HCl, being heavier than air, wouldn't rise very quickly, so the byproduct of adding aluminum to muriatic acid (hydrogen) lifted the HCl molecules up into the air in vast quantities.


That explains the burning sensation.

Something Else I Learned Today

If you put a thick sheet of aluminum into a basin of hydrochloric acid it results, after waiting just long enough for you to let your guard down, in a sudden and horsefuckingly violent exothermic reaction.

And that was probably chlorine gas pouring out of the basin.

There is a reason we do these things outside.
Trent Reznor Updates to Previous Post

visit http://forum.nin.com/bb/read.php?30,767183 to read the original post as well as his follow-ups

Here's a message from Ian Rogers of TopSpin
http://forum.nin.com/bb/read.php?30,767183,767183#msg-767183 scroll all the way to the bottom

Here's a few responses - more to come when I get time.

This looks excellent to me. I have not used it but it appears...
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