So, this week has been a better one for me. I am handling things a bit better and I am trying to make my health better. I am still fighting this damn bronchitis and I am trying to use my inhaler sparingly because I am convinced that I don't need the damn thing. Reality sets in when I wake up at 4am having an asthma...
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Woo hoo hottie on a bike. Sure it's been done many times over but who wouldnt wanna see this lovely woman half naked on a bike? *raises hand* Yeah I went there. And I am not ashamed. Hey maybe the acupuncture will work you just have to believe that it will. Well I hope you can bring us some lovely sets once you are up to it smile.
Honey that would e world to me!!!! Really!!!
Thank you for your visit and the goodie bag you brought!... makes me giggle and I get to be just a LITTLE bit bad! wink
Frustration. I need to figure out how to eliminate this from my life. I can pinpoint exactly what gets me frustrated, I can feel when it is coming, I just don't know how to turn it off. Maybe avoidance would help, no, it doesn't really solve the issue. I know that my frustration and grief have been the number one cause of me being sick...
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Wow that is a lot. I hope you can get everything in check and be happier again. Yeah it's so tricky just letting crap go and just not caring.
Thqat same thing happened to me. There is a girl I USED to be friends with, and we hate each other. I would gladly pop her right in the nose and she came up on that list. I started thinking that if SHE came up, than so did I on ppl that I wouldnt want to pages.
*shakes fist*
Ya me angry too....except I know why.
You and I should hang out and kill zombies and be angry together. I have wine and beer btw! wink
New update! I am getting pretty excited and things are taking a turn to the positive for me. I ordered all of my gear for when I get my new bike. And I just put a deposit down on my bike so it is on order and will be here in January! This makes me so happy. My health is still not fabulous but I...
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LOL YAY!!!! I am so excited for ya hun!!!!
I wish my stuff would hurry up and get here... I am so ready to ride, it's not even funny!
So, I guess I need an update here. For the past three or four weeks I have been sicker than shit. It started with my allergies acting up and progressed to what I thought was a simple cold. After two weeks of getting absolutely no sleep because I was up all night coughing, I finally went to urgent care to see what the hell was...
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awwwww I am just me. biggrin

how are you feeling???
So I just noticed the date on this post... I was probably picking up the SV while you were typing this!
Grrrr. I hate fighting. And to make matters worse, why don't you add some fuel to that fire. So very very frustrated right now. mad
Just saying hey and hoping you have a better day.
well hello, fellow gorgeous new mexican! (we girls should make a club.) thank you so much for the add, i look forward to talking to you!
So, this is my first post. What to say...
I am in a serious state of change in my life right now. Just trying to figure out what I want and what makes me happy. Slowly I am figuring these things out and now I am working on making those things happen.
I am new to the site and hoping to meet new people.
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Yo will figure it out...you are a smart woman!

Welcome to the site!! kiss