A month or so ago I moved most of the indoor houseplants outdoors on the balcony. (I have a third floor condominium.) I've planted four Roma tomatos and four cayenne peppers. We'll have to see if I get enough sun (the balcony faces west/southwest with a little shade) to get them to produce anything but midget fruit. Regardless, they make me happy just being there....
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hey niceplants and dogs smile
I have a qustion; what does cutie patootie means??
I am soooo sore. I did about 40 miles on my new bike yesterday. It's a Jamis Sputnik single speed, geared 48:16. I've done trips that long before (and longer) but always on multi-speed bikes. This one kind of whupped me but I feel really good about it. This bike is AWESOME. However, my legs are all wobbly and hurtful...... I think my calves want...
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Hope you had a good Xmas..... surreal
Pffft...I think my New Year's Eve will be as lackluster as it usually is with me staying in and falling asleep before the ball drops. tongue

As for December, I finally got my ink started so I'd say it was a pretty good month overall. Managed to stay away from any "familial incursions" over the holiday and am just enjoying the time off from school.

My cactuses are blooming! (Cacti? Suculi?) I've got five HUGE Easter Cactuses that I've had for a few years. I had a good friend back in grad school from California and she gave me several cuttings from a cactus that had been in her family over a hundred years.

It's so cool to me to be a part of that sort of lineage. One Christmas...
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I just started taking classes to get certified in WELDING. I've been in banking waaaay too long but it pays the bills. I'm just trying to learn some metal skills for artistic reasons plus I'd like to be able to fabricate my own bicycle frames one day if I wanted to.

We'll see. I really enjoy learning new stuff regardless of what I later choose...
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I'm a Certified Beekeeper!!! My girlfriend and I took a course and we get our certificates at the next meeting..... We're going to get a hive and a queen and see what develops..... Pretty cool.
Thanx for your nice comment about my set. I'm so happy you liked it. kiss
thanks for your sweet comment on my set smile
I talked to my tattoo guy today. He's a great artist with Blue Horseshoe Tattoo in Virginia Beach named Gabe Cece. He's been doing some great stuff on my left calf for the past two years (whenever I get the money together).

We're doing a scene from Where the Wild Things Are. Later on this month he's going to add another monster to the back...
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popeye legs?! Really? I use to tell my buddy Ted that he had popeye legs! It was from him playing hockey for so many years.

thanks for the sweet comment on my set
Back on the site after some time away. I forgot how much I loved this place.
Welcome back! And thanks for the comment wink
thank you so much for the nice comment! blush
I just finished "Weird Like Us: My Bohemian America" by Ann Powers. A great little book about the the non-traditional nature of relationships that a lot of us have. It's got me thinking about the nature of our little SG community and how a lot of us can feel a sense of comfort and acceptance here that we may not feel in the larger world....
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Bye, guys. Going away. I've enjoyed it. I'll miss Olivia the most.....

Burton's Ghost
Drunk. Broke it off with a great girl tonight for a lot of reasons.....Shit.

Good night.
At least you were drunk.