Someone drive me to a bar. I want to dance to motown.


Can't get enough of Odonis Odonis' new album!


My sister found a baby songbird and dropped it into my hands and immediately left for work. While googling "how to feed baby birds" and "Toronto Wildlife Center" I also went on Toronto Bunz and ISO'd if anyone could rehabilitate a fallen bird. Lo and behold, someone who lived nearby did! I walked over with the baby bird in a small box and gave it
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😍 cutie 
awww poor little thing :(

Melt Banana/Melvins/Napalm Death Savage Imperial Death March Tour... SKOL


Hi, I'm back.

Lots have happened since I went AFK. I started playing guitar for this band: http://ytstlabs.com/.

We have a soundtrack for this video game coming out soon: https://youtu.be/cG5FyiK6Zm8

And we're currently recording a third album! Very exciting.

The band is pretty wild, think Asian Kiss with weird psychedelic jam-out tendencies (a la Swans) and you start getting a little closer...

Anyway, I guess...
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