Ahhh a chef's work is never done. I'm tired of being in the kitchen. I want to get into the design field so bad now that I am done with school but there are NO graphic design jobs in my area but 2 and both require a bachelor's. I don't have the kinda money to get a bachelor's degree, I could barely afford my associates....
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take pics to that kittens!!!
Yes Yes!!!! the top of the feet hurt like a MOTHA!! lol that is something id say I couldnt do again...unless I was under some influence smile I got a few stars done behind my ear.... I wish they all felt like that smile ... My photoset doesnt go up live until may 1st frown poooooop soooooooooooooo far away.. I love the macabre make up.... smile Its a past time activity of mine xoxoxoxox
I didn't get to go see Septic Flesh with countless others in ATL.....so I'm starting my savings fund for Mayhem Fest now...can't wait to see Slayer!!! biggrin
I'm infected
so infected
severely infected
by this desire to please you!!!!

Been doing lots of writing, lots of painting, and lots of drawing. Some tattooing too...Feels good to do my thing and not feel accused of neglect.

biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin
I had to add you smile You listed Acid Bath in your favorite bands. Definitely a great choice.
Life was stagnant for awhile but now I'm on the move again. I feel a wee lil bit of inspiration has crept its way back into my brain and heart. I'm tattooing on the regular now and the band had a breather so we're all coming back into sessions excited again with fresh, new ideas and less tension. Haven't been painting as much as I'd...
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Holy shit I found this site again...with the recent popularity of myspace and all the free unheard of music on there, I have taken leave from my SG account but now I have returned to yet again do nothing with my account but look at all the countless pictures of beautiful tattooed nude women that SG has to offer. smile
eeek eeek eeek
thanks for ur funny comment on my set biggrin biggrin biggrin