I really hate my job. I hate working retail. "Hi there. How are you doing today? I have a masters degree. Will that be credit or debit?" I feel like my schooling is being wasted. I'm sorry if I offend people who are in retail, but I really didn't go to school for 7 years to be a cashier. It just seems that every job...
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I only worked in retail for a while (Unless you count working at a theatre... but I think its a bit different... but at time similar) I pretty much hated it, except that I worked at a GameStop. That part was great. However, people are just stupid. I completey understand your bitching, not only because you find retail sucky like I did, but also because no one wants to work a job they hated. That's the reason you went to school for 7 years... was to get a job you liked.
So I started playing Mass Effect 2. FUCKING AWESOME! I was thinking that it kinda sucked that I only had 18 hours of work next week, but now I'm thinking that it's going to give me enough time to beat this game. The first one had an amazing storyline and took a while to finish, and I can see this game is going to be...
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I'm working on a second playthrough, myself. My first one was with a female Shepard (which was the most recently played ME1 character) and I turned her into a renegade slut that has sex with turians. The game is tweaks some of the concepts of the first one, but omits some of the things that made the first one so charming (finite amounts of ammo? BAH!). Still, an all together enjoyable experience, and it's left me panting for the third installment.
I've decided I need to move on and find myself a girlfriend. I'm tired of waiting for something that is NEVER going to happen with Mary Jean. The more I think about it the more it makes sense. I want someone who is nerdy, likes the same kind of music I do, and loves to watch stupid movies. These are things that I love, and...
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Oh, and I totally agree with BetteJean. If you are going to be moving to Chicago, take the time between then and now to just be you. You'd be surprised how that can attract some of the best relationships.
i agree too. about all those things they said. (now i have tatu in my head). being happy is the biggest deal. i never knew that until i got on meds and started being healthy in other ways. and then i re-fell in love and i'm happy and healthy for craig, which makes him love me more which makes me love me more and him more. it's really great. so none of this "i'm pretty used to being alone" stuff. keep with the initial hopeful note of your blog and things will happen by themselves.
I went to go see the St. Louis Arch Rivals roller derby bout. I went with my buddy Fish, his girlfriend, BetteJean, MarieArgo, and PookieButt. It was great, and I really enjoyed seeing some of the fans really get into it. I would love to go again, but I do wish it was a little bit closer.

I rented BioShock 2 for...
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I heard Mass Effect 2 is UBER addicting. Yes, that's right. I used the word UBER.
Sooooo tired. Monday's are DnD nights. But since I have to drive up to Macomb, they are usually long nights. Stercusfit killed me, and thought it was funny. I should have known he would hit me with as bad as he rolls.

I'm excited for this weekend. I'm going to St. Louis to see some roller derby action with my buddy Fish, BetteJean, and...
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i'm coming to the roller derby too!!!!
but wouldn't it have been great if you went to the tree section at the library and came across a naked girl? you were one semester too late!
So my buddy Fish and I went to go see Wolfman tonight. TERRIBLE! I'm a big fan of the classic monster movies. They have a charm about them and I like how they opened up the entire horror genre. This remake was just bad. It was so slow to start, and the action sequences weren't all that great. I liked the gothic look to the...
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I liked it.
I wonder why I put myself in these situations. And more so, why I KEEP myself in these situations. I know what I should do, but I don't want to do it. My head knows one thing, but can't seem to convince my heart to follow along. whatever
Jebus it's been a long time since I've posted here...and a lot has happened. Lets see if I can boil things down.

I graduated with my Masters in Biology.

I moved to Springfield, IL to live with my friend Fish.

My grandfather passed away.

I've tried and failed to find myself a job.

And I've fallen for a girl I have no future with.

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So I have my thesis presentation on Friday. All the other grad students are asking me if I'm nervous....I'm not. I've given this speech at a conference last year. It was way more stressful talking about my research in front of a bunch of professionals than my fellow grad students and professors I've known for a long time.

I also picked up Left 4 Dead...
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yeah, it's scott and jp, they mentioned it first! but you're right, they probably won't go. frown
i ACTUALLY thought of doing a set like that!!!! and the intro would me, "that deer shaved her vagina! that is so attractive to me!"