Mood: ‘Woman’, Mumford and Sons

Write On: Women

The subject for this blog has a different genesis. Sometimes what I choose to blog about is random and there is that in this one, as well, but…

I have been making good progress on my book the last week and more. It takes place in the 16th Century with some fantasy elements folded into the weave
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Mood: 1776 Musical Overture

The Beginnings of Greater Freedoms

This day, 1776:

Big week in the United States. Whether you agree with History or not, great things began when when colonies of England reacted against the tyrannical oppression of its mother country. Yet, at that time, there were still many, many inequities endemic in the culture, a British culture that was beginning to evolve into
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Mood: ‘I’ve No More Fucks To Give’ by Thomas Benjamin Wild, Esq.

Not My Usual Blog

I really prefer to be more positive. Unfortunately, I am also aware of the truth of Human Nature, and it is not a good Nature, given its head. Wars. Murder. Forced non-consensual sex. Bullying. Knock-out ‘games’. Recording altercations on mobile phones without an effort stop them. On-line and phone
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I will try to do better.
@gregmikk It’s all anyone can ask for. Falling into the ego-based arguing is always a fail. Facts are facts, even if they are ignored by those you discuss issues with. Period. Point-by-point rebuttal always works best, in my opinion, though the close-minded will ignore those as well.

Mood: ‘A Father’s Love’ by James Dooley

Many Days of a Father

I have never been fortunate enough to be a father. As far as I know, anyway. The closest I may ever come is to be There for my niece after my brother Doug’s passing. I may even have been a Father Figure from time to time, but none of that comes with the...
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Mood: I Grieve by Peter Gabriel

Before I Knew It, It was Too Late

I have recently written about not taking anyone for granted, for before you know it, that person may be gone and in a permanent way.

I lost one of my dearest friends on Memorial Day weekend. A Brother From Another Mother kind of best friend. His name was (and will remain)
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@fredhincanadaThanks. Fortunately, I have an incredible support system here in NC and my many friends yet in Alaska. Your willingness to offer your support speaks volumes about your good self.
You are worth it, my friend.

Just A Common Soldier

(A Soldier Died Today)

He was getting old and paunchy and his hair was falling fast,

And he sat around the Legion, telling stories of the past.

Of a war that he had fought in and the deeds that he had done,

In his exploits with his buddies; they were heroes, every one.

And tho' sometimes, to his neighbors, his tales
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Powerful piece. 🫡

Mood: ‘Fire and Rain’, James Taylor

Oh, Life…

Sometimes life turns on a dime. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. Sometimes what seems like the worst turns out to be the best. Almost all of us take such things for granted and are surprised or stunned when those rough patches come along.

The last two weeks have been a little rough for my family.My parents
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@fredhincanada These kids have been married 65 years, so of course it’s been tough on Mom, but we are certainly supporting one another through this. The extreme good fortune we have had during this has helped a great deal, knowing it might have been much worse.
I completely understand and you have as much mental and emotional support that I can send.

Mood: Library Magic by The Head and the Heart

An Athenaeum Update

While writing my blog about music and writing and such yesterday, it occurred to me it had been a while since posting an update on my addiction to books. Consequently, over the next few hours after posting that blog I had determined that I would take new pictures and do a quick blog...
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That is a healthy collection that would be easy to get lost in.  I admire it and think: more power to you my friend!  And you are right, @starry is tops.  Excellent blog, as always.
Mood: ‘Moonlight Sonata’, Ludwig van Beethoven

Creativity and My Personal Link to Music and It

I have written in a past blog about some of this before, but it really intrigues me how my passions for acting, writing, directing and so much else has always been attached to music. A little funny, as I have no talent with any musical instrument and only have a
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This is incredible!  I use music often when I'm writing, but I never thought to use it an acknowledgement. That's bloody brilliant.  When I'm doing poetry, and I'm writing to coincide with a tune, I'll write down the song, just to remember the rhythm, but your way is better.  And I loved reading a piece of your book.  It's good.  I think the last paragraph is "Sterling held?"  Perhaps I am wrong.  I digress.  Either way, this blog was exciting and I enjoyed it.

Mood: The Wallace and Gromit Theme by Julian Nott

There is an insidious force, a force that grows and burrows beneath us and in our walls and under the floorboards; it creeps along our floors and up our walls; it invades our personal space while we sleep; it crawls up our legs, seeking warmth, it invades our ears, seeking dark; it can be very tiny...
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@babybi @doncella @sophya @jadestone Thank you for reading this fun blog, it is appreciated! ❤️
@bradmax it's nothing! 🥰

Mood: ‘My Way’, Frank Sinatra.

It Happens When You Aren’t Looking For ‘It’

OA few months ago, I stumbled on a Passion Project. Truth be told, it was more of a revisiting. It just felt is was time to do something about it. That sense of ‘now is the time’ is something I have learned to listen to.

This Passion Project came to mind when
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This is my favourite blog of yours so far. (That I’ve read). First, thanks for Frank. I know it is hard for you to talk about your brother, and I’m really proud of you for this and for your passion project. Serendipity indeed. Thank you.
@fredhincanada Thank you, I appreciate the kind words. It gets easier to ‘deal’ with over the yers, but sometimes it hits with more force. He was a big Sinatra guy, even able to name who orchestrated various albums. ‘My Way’ fits many people, I am sure, but fits Doug almost TOO perfectly. Again, thanks.
Mood: ‘Fantasia on a Theme of Thomas Tallis’ by Ralph Vaughn Williams

Love, Loss and Understanding

It is a lesson I have learned many times. It is one I am certain I will have to endure again. I hate it at the same time I have accepted it is a part of the cycle of Life.

This May 9th marks the fifth year I lost
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