Interesting couple of nights... full of wierd dreams..

First night I had a nightmare,.. haven't had one of those in a while... but nightmares don't bother me anymore.. At some point they I stoped running from the beasties in them.. still scared shitless in em, but they end up being more like horror action flicks... pick up the nearest crowbar and get to work... So...
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Lame lame lame...

I need to figure out something interesting to do this weekend... Seriosly.. Oh well.. maybe I will just get in my car and drive till my brain hurts.

On another note, I need to make more friends on this site... All mine seem to be going grey.. and the lack of comments makes for slightly unnintersting posting... Yeah.


God this journal...
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Concert inventory-

1 - Alkaline Trio Crimson Tour poster

1 - swolen tounge... from getting punched in the jaw and biting the afformentioned tongue. This makes me sound drunk,.. cause I slur my words now... fun for me.

1 - bruised rib... from an elbow...

1- buised hip,.. I think from a knee..

1 - black and blue knuckle,... I don't know how this happened.....
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No worries dahlin. Anytime you wanna spend the weekend in a strange city and you need a driver just lemme know!

Those pictures are funny. I like tha llama operation, the cage biggrin and the black and white!! Sorry your camera is broked. Now you have an excuse to buy a new one!
I finished reading the new Harry Potter last night... it was very good... I started it Sunday morning at 12:30am.. finished at 10:30pm... now I just have to wait for others to finish it so I can actually talk about it... but I guessed right about who dies.

That is all.
that sounds like a killer idea!! we'll have to work out some details though. kahlua wants you to call her about the show on sunday. if you don't have her number lemme know and i'll give ya the digits!
Yay! I just purchased my Alkaline Trio tickets, and I have the perfect oportunity to get the next Monday off... but I will have to work this Friday puke ... sucks, cause I was looking forward to having the day off... but oh well,.. cause I am going to Alkaline Trio... Yay Yay!

Also I am working on a jacket.... It's an old coat I found...
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oh now i'm all excited to see the new digs!! if i can sell enough shiot on ebay i'll be going to alkaline trio too! yeah!

see ya friday?! kiss
Well iss me birthday,... My parents got me a new scanner (Yay!). The thing is freakin great, it scans at great resolution,.. aaaand it will scan 35mm film,... all I need now is a badass photo printer and I will be set up to print my own enlargements.. woohoo,.. hello draggin out the 35 again,.. I have missed you old friend.

Anyways, I just scanned...
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bahahahha...h god oh god....bummasaurus is not allowed in walmart anymore. its spelled with one L by the way.

ahahahHAHAH.haha ahhhhhhhh hahah.....so back when alla and i used to work days, one of our friends, elsie (you mighta seen her, tall blonde cute pregnant cashier...) her boyfriend, shawn, had one of those all butter stickers (which comes from croissants) and put it on his name tag and it said shallbutter and we thought ti was hillarious.

now sometimes we just call alla butter for fun. hey buttah!!! bhahaha...fun fun fun. its really hillarious to me that you mentioned that cause i know the origins of the sticker!!

oh and as time of this comment, there are tickets left for the show on the 24th, which leaves me completely confused, cause i was told the 23rd. hmm...noo o it is the 24th, in seattle right?

well there are tickets for the 24th, whcih i believe is the date i have a ticket for. so go buy a ticket, k???

Had a dream last night that an asteroid destroyed the earth, landed right on my head too. It was very real, I looked into the night sky and thought I was looking at the moon... but it was huge, and I wondered wether it had actually gotten closer to the earth. But then I looked around and saw that the moon was on the other...
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boo on that!! its your birthday!!!

huzzzah hurrah happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear mister cigarette nail coffin man, hapy birthday to you!!!

Happy birthday dude!
Hope we can hang out soon!
hey pal!!!! what was...oh yah. alki is the 23rd im pretty sure there are still tickets. its a saturday. ask my friend...godcldinsick...im not sure speling but its on my list hes awesome. you should!! find out if theres tickets. i cant drive but i got gas money. yay!

and i was actually thinkin maybe we should go see willy wonka at the riverfront theatre after the red robin. i wanna see it.


lets do it!!