I met an old man from Cuba today. He's not afraid of robbers because he sleeps next to an axe.
you have made me paranoid of robbers lately.
It's 10 hours each way, +/- for tailwind/headwind. Then you add in the 45 minutes for train each way, plus waiting...and waiting at the airport.

Last time I was there, there had been a blizzard a couple days prior, closing the airport. There were people squeezing onto my flight who had been waiting on standby in the airport for all of those days. And more people who still were stuck there. Not that there will be snow this time. Just freakin' hot and humid.
The apartment downstairs was robbed today. The interesting part is that I talked to the robbers.

Actually, no, it wasn't interesting. Two teenage wanna-be gangbangers came up the stairs, just as I was going down them. It was early afternoon. I stopped at the top of the stairs. They asked if Alex was home. I said they had the wrong apartment. They left and walked...
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I feel kinda bad too. I was sleeping one night, and heard thumpings and bumpings upstairs. It's super-rare, as the people upstairs are normally so cool - I was like...I'll cut them slack, they're good people.

Except...well...it wasn't the neighbors. Someone smashed in the locks in the normal lock and the deadbolt.

Now if I see street people hanging out nearby, I lie and tell them there have been break-ins in the building lately, and they should probably not hang out nearby, lest they be judged the guilty party on accident.
I got robbed once. All they took from a huge house was my roommate's bike, a jar of change and most of my pants. So we were on the lookout for a kid riding a yellow bike, wearing huge gang-banger jeans that were probably falling down from all the change in the pockets.
I've destroyed two keyboards in the past two weeks. Both times by spilling things on them. If I keep going at this rate for the next year, I'll spend $1,560 on keyboards, more than the cost of the computer I'm writing this on.
HA, that really sucks. I try to keep such things away from my keyboards.

I set off a bug bomb in my room today. It's a close second to burning the mother down. The funny thing is, just hours after I set the thing and aired the room out, there's already a new spider in my room that took over the web of a dead one.
i laughed so hard i spit my soda all over my keyboard when i read that. i am known to distroy keyboards myself. hey you could by the warranty thing at best buy. that way you can take the keyboard back for a replacement even if you spill things on it. by the way. do you still want our tv. i have another friend who wants it, but i said somebody had dibs.
First of all, Tawnya is right, as usual.

I remember a few years ago the place where I spend my springs (which you can figure out) got an In-n-Out. My girlfriend went on and on about how amazing it was and how I HAD to get one immediately. I did, and it was ... good, but not life-changing or anything. I thought it was like a somewhat better version of Dick's.

And I absolutely love Carl's Jr. I know people who live here think of it as just crappy fast food, but I love it. I've had it twice in four days.
Just don't whip your vagina out around my fucking couch!
Today's videos of people hurting themselves include why you shouldn't wrestle on a roof, why riding a laundry basket down a ladder is a bad idea, and why I sometimes wish I were a redneck.

Edit: I now think the rednecks were british.
Boom City is white trash heaven. It's where over a hundred Indians (Native Americans, if you prefer) set up firewoks booths and try to get you to buy from THEM as opposed to the other 99 booths. Last year I went and spent over a hundred dollars. I like 'splodey things. blush
That wrestling thing was horrible. Those guys were friggin idiots. Oh and thanks for that last one. Now I want to blow stuff up.
Just five minutes ago, I said to LankaKitten, "Baby, come here, come here, I've got this great video on screen."

She groaned. "It's not someone on fire, is it?"

Whoa, I've gotten a little predictable in my afternoon delights.

Here's the link.
That dude totally deserved to catch on fire.
Ha, I hate when I'm predictable.
My armpit cancer turned out to be nothing. Just an infected sweat duct from exercising and using deodorant. It should go away on its own in a couple of days.

Yeay! No death from armpit!
Excellent! Let this be a lesson for you: no good can come from deodorant.

You and Jake should get together and compare lumps sometime.
Is that why we didn't see you on Saturday? Were you at home tending to your infected sweat duct armpit?
Saturday, I discovered a hard marble-sized lump in my armpit. I think it sprang up overnight. The Internet says that it's probably my lymph node responding to some sort of infectioin or virus rather than armpit cancer. I've got an appointment with a doctor in 90 minutes to get it checked out.

This makes me feel old and sad.
I hope you're ok.
Uwajimaya has the freshest green onions I've ever seen.

I bought a bottle of Applejack, believing that it would taste or smell like apples. Nope, it's brandy.

No one reads past this point. It's cool.

Cars, like all Pixar movies, was worth seeing.

My client is disorganized so a two-week project is being dragged out into nine labor-intensive weeks. I think I'm trapped until it...
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Hrmm...I dunno if that's as complex as what I need. I'm looking to build a remote controlled submarine, complete with cameras to see underwater, as well as having the ability to indicate depth and some other things to the operator. I know enough about electronics and mechanics to get all of that stuff done, but I'm kind of lost when it comes to actually controlling it and sending the data back to the operator. I got the idea from a book I read today to use a motherboard with a thumbdrive to control it but I'm not sure where to go from there. I think I need to do more research.
Like I was saying, it's possible to get a motherboard/thumbdrive combination for its brains, but the thumbdrive doesn't hold much. I found a project somewhere on the internet that makes what's called Damn Small Linux, which will boot from a thumbdrive and only takes up about 50mb. I hadn't thought of the remote desktop to control it. Will that work with Linux? If I can't figure out a way to control the components via USB I thought that I might be able to get a microcontroller and just slave it to the motherboard. Oh, and I'm totally entering into that submarine design competition. Their design seems extremely awkward. My depth control system is way better.
Last night, I went to my favorite new restaurant, Celtic Bayou, with Lankakitten, RicerX, and Tawnya. The food sucked.

The week before, I went to my last favorite new restaurant, Cucina Cucina, for happy hour with Lankakitten and Tawnya. The service sucked.

I hate spotty restaurants.
How did you like cars..............funny how you assumed i wouldn't know what that was.........like i don't have a 4 year old boy.
speaking of spotty restaurants have you ever been to the white spot?
I feel like I have tourettes today.

There's a shitty place down the street called Pasta Ya Gotcha. Everytime I go past it I shake my head and think it's sad that the owner doesn't have friends. They could have told him to rethink his business name, saving him from ridicule.

"And that's why keeping business ideas secret is a bad idea..."

I registered Plixa.com...
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Thanks for the birhtday message. Your idea sounds good. Way better than Pasta Ya Gotcha...
I totally just noticed that you're drinking a Monster in you profile pic, and I would just like to say "Good show ol' chap!"

Me and the boys in the band drink Monster religiously.