Ahhh tis almost time. Halloween draws upon us and I can't wait. Although i have to wait on the final parts of my costume to arrive. I love seeing the look on people's faces when I tell them I'm going as one of the cartoon characters from my childhood. When they find out who, they kinda realize. I am going as the sports obsessed vigilante...
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There in a renfair in Connecticut this weekend biggrin
i dont know what i should be! eep! whatever
I need to get into television. I have an idea for the ultimate 'reality' show. Now, first off, I HATE reality tv. Why? Well first off it's not reality, it's too much fake drama bullshit. Second... I get hooked on the shit too easy.
But anyway, my idea.
Take a group of people with absolutly nothing to live for. Death row...
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I'd watch it biggrin
I can feel it in the air. It is almost time. Ren Fest is on the way. I fucking love tyhat shit! Dressing in the coolest clothes imaginable and walking around with a sword on one hip and a war hammer on the other. For someone who hates guns this is a dream come true.
Time for the pirate I become to reemerge from my...
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Are you going to be a performer at the fest ?
Ahhh, just got ahold of alot of songs by one of my favorite bands. Goblin. The greatest soundtrack band ever. I think I have now found the song that can elevate me to a better mood no matter what. From the album Volo, Polvere Blu. Now I just need to learn Itallian so I can figure out what the fuck he's saying.
Italian is easy to learn eeek
I need to keep up with new releases on DVD and in music. I was at Best Buy and I'm sure the employees thought there was going to be a problem by my reactions to things.
I went after The League of Gentleman set, which I knew was out but hadn't picked up yet, but I found SO much more. On the next shelf I...
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ha ha, I think we would pee ourselves to death before the caffiene did us in, lol

Man after reading that last entry... I need to cut down on the caffiene. But as a great TV character used to say "But I'm feeling MUCH better now."
My pain threshold is returning after some of the stunts I've pulled at work. I mean I had jumper cables hooked to my nipples the other day. Just to me, no batteries involved. I mean, I'm...
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Why were you walking around with shrink wrap covering your head ? shocked
Why not? Lol. You see one of my favorite pasttimes is doing things just to freak people out. Like for months only let them hear me listening to things like GG Allin or the Exploited, then let them hear me listening to something completly opposite, The Muppets or Dean Martin. People never know what to expect.
The last few days I've been watching a black widow who set up home outside my window. Every morning when I'd get home from work she was remaking the web, cleaning out the remains of her latest meals. I come home today though... she and her web were gone. frown
Don't know what's more depressing, that I spent a large ammount of time watching her, or...
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How big was the black widow ? The females are ultra tiny , the males are twenty times bigger .
I hate to say this, but you're mistaken in your facts. Let me give you a quote from Vincent Price off the Alice Cooper song, Black Widow, " ... In fact immediatly after the consumation of her marriage to the smaller and weaker male of the species, she kills and eats him. Oh she is delicous... and I hope he was."
In the most families of insects and arachnids the male is the smaller of the 2.
But to answer your question her abdomin was the size of my pinkie nail, and I have decent sized hands.