I doubt anyone reads what I write on here, but I thought I would post an update. The people at SG were kind enough to renew my account, so here I am. Not much has changed. I'm going to school (but I'm not going back until spring), I had a temporary job that began and ended recently, and I'm still with my girlfriend. I don't...
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Eh, you never know who reads but chooses not to comment.
The more I think about it the more I miss the 90s in spite of all its faults.
I often think about the 90s and how I miss that decade, but in many ways I'm glad it's over. That being said, I'm not sure the 00s were any better for me. Some better, some worse. And now a new decade has started. I wonder what this one will be like.
It looks like spring outside, but it doesn't feel like spring. It's cold. I like cold weather better than hot weather though. It's supposed to snow on the weekend. Who knows if it actually will. I hope it does though.
Looks like I may have to move soon, but that's still uncertain. I'll miss this place.
I got back from the pdoc appointment. It went better than I thought. It gave me some hope.
I just realized how quiet everything is right now. That seems so odd to me. It shouldn't. It's five in the morning.
I heard something from my girlfriend that I found frustrating, although I know I shouldn't feel that way. My girlfriend's name is Marisa. She visited some friends last night, and the conversation turned toward a mutual friend of theirs, who I'll call A. Everyone at this small gathering, with the exception of Marisa, complained that A didn't have her driver's license. One of the friends...
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I've got a psychiatrist appointment in a few days. I'm not looking forward to it. I think a big part of this is I often can't think of anything to say, but my current pdoc wants me to do the all of the talking. He's not the first therapist I've had who was like that. It's why I'm not a big fan of talk therapy...
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I'm back home and doing pretty good, except that I can't sleep, which is why I'm writing this now. I want to go out to eat tomorrow. I'm not talking about anything fancy. Some place that's cheap but good. I can think of one place in particular. Alright, I'm going to try and go to sleep again.