well...I know it's been awhile since I've posted anything, I Apologize..but I'm drunk right now, and, though hey, what a great time to post a journal.

well, I got drunk with my girlfriend for the first time tonight, and it was great, til she knocked my ass out with a right hand...she's sleeping now..

I'm sure I'll have more tomorrow..but this is just weird..
Welp, it's Wednesday here in glorious New York. It's midnight, and it's 86 degrees.....I almost died....my pet rat almost died too because of the awful heat...yuck..

Well anyway, I'm putting the final touches on the trip, gettin really excited about goin. Gonna get to see my father drag race his camaro again *check my pics for a picture of it*, and I just hope things...
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i didnt see them becuase the SGB show was on at the same time. i have seen them twice before and they were pretty boring both times so i'm guessing no difference. i'm not a fan anyway. tongue
I've just been a big fan for so many years..that it's hard to give em up smile
Alrighty, what happened today:

Well, I'm still in New York visiting my sweetheart, but the great news is that she is going to come down to New Mexico with me to finally visit my family and friends after five years of us being together.

We'll be there for like three weeks, during the 4th of July holiday.

Can't wait to get back with my buddies....
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ah yes you do look familiar! smile say hello for me! *waves*

Was it the sexy pale red hair that gave it away? *lol*

Will do on the hello part smile
Y'know, it's been eight months since I've even touched this journal.

*lifts it and blows the dust away*

Ahh, much better.

So, how is everyone doing?


Oh, that's right, no one reads this thing. smile

Well, when cool stuff happens, you can damn well bet I'm going to put it here from now on. Til then, someone say hello, I'm a lonely irishman frown love

JagerTerror puke
You know, when writing your journal entry, listening to Big Dumb Face just makes it easier, and way more entertaining smile

Well let's see, what's new here. Well, I'm going to go up to Roswell next weekend to watch my dad race his Camaro (I put up pics of it a while back), alot of my buds are going to go and root him on, hopefully...
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*takes egbert and kills him and rips that tat right off his arm. Whoooo!

Halloween was awesome dude, I was nice and drunk. WE should have halloween every day! yeahh! GET OFF MY BUS.

Check out thoes new sets man. Katie is absolutely gorgeous, FUCK. She kinda looks like a really hot, gothed out, version of Judith's roomate Megan. MMM....gothed. Well fuck dude, i'm gonna go.

puke <----if the party went like it was supposed to this would've been us! Kick ass WARF puke

Man, this guy said "GET OFF MY BUS!"
man dude, update you fucker mad
Ah, another new day in the life that is, mine.

The site looks awesome, I'm really happy with it. A total step up, and pretty easy on the eyes if I do say so myself.

Welp, today my good buddy Aaron asked me, or pleaded with me to go to the Balloon fiesta in Albuquerque. It sounds like a good idea, but I just don't...
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So yeah you need to make some friends man. Go hit on some chicks in hookup, one is bound to like it. HEHE..its all about the pimp-na.

I wonder if I can go see your dad race this weekend, I can't blow up that TV this weekend because the clay-man is going out of town. We'll see. biggrin

Well don't get too drunk and try to kill the eggy. No one wants to clean up that mess. Let Christa take the shot in the mouth. LOL

Lates, KBj
YES!!!!! I've done it!!!

Thanks to one of my good friends, I have returned to the greatness that is Suicide Girls.

It kind of still has that new car scent almost, tasty.

I'm not quite sure what to put in right now, just wanted to let all who cared know that I got my membership back up. Take care.

(The Irish Jager Terror)
Hey man nice to see you. I like how aaron is everyone's credit card whore. I don't like anyone enough to bother with them using my credit card, but thats what we have aaron for.

You should go on the boards and talk to girls on their journals. Thats how I make friends! Lots o' compliments, flattery gets you everywhere.

Later man. KBj
Welp, I'm off to NY. I hope that I gots an account here when I get back *probably not* but I will return, promise. See ya guys later!
dude, where are you..you prolly won't see this ever

you are never coming back...are you? she's swallowed you up and fired you out her ass so her parents can suck up any last nutrients that her digestive system may have missed, HASN'T SHE! Awww man that sucks. Now I'm down to eggy! FUCK!
Ahh, new journal, still with that new journal scent. Tasty isn't it? smile

Well, what's new in B2 land? My good buddy Egbert (dark_inside) is back from Japan. We had a couple beers, and we'll all be goin to Nibbles this Saturday, which in case you didn't know, is a titty bar on the outskirts of Lubbock, TX...*anybody reading this that's from Lubbock, and if you...
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Barajas, that's a strange name for an Irish guy. HEHEH.

Anyway good luck on your trip. I'll miss ya man, I mean really what am I supposed to do when the life of the party leaves town? Jerk off I suppose. But for the realas man I'll be sitting in a corner alone awaiting your return. LOL biggrin

But for the real foshizzel man come back in one piece. smile

And yes that desky I made for Nadine is really cool, better than all of yas...cepp for maybe dig dug's submissions. But Nadine is my girl, she's so sexy.

Later guy.
Well, to the two or three people that read this journal, I'm sorry for not updating it sooner, been damned busy.

But, here's what's goins on in my world.

1. Me and my good buddy Aubrey had a shot to go see Seether in Lubbock, TX. Tix were only seventeen bucks, but, we both forgot about it, and the opportunity slipped through our fingers, like...
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Hmmm...yes Eggy is returning. Hopefully his trip will have bestowed upon him a new breath of perspective and attitude. I doubt it though. Probably just pissed him off and made him even more bitchy. Nothing short of a 3 day stay in the pacific granted by a faulty turbine engine, would grant that sort of life change.

Anyway, everyone should be this guys friend, coolest guy ever in my book. Good luck on your trip to New Yorky. I hope she doesn't up and uh...nap FOREVER (if you catch my drift). sry guy, still seems really ridiculous to me. AND FUNNY AS HELL! surreal Have fun though on the bus.

Later GUY
how, been awhile since I've updated this thing...

Alright, let's see what's been going on in the big bright world of Barajas...

Issue #1: The transmission went out on my Ford Probe, and cost me a whopping $1,300 to fix. Hip Fucking Hooray

Issue #2: I got a new car the next day, a 2001 Chevy Cavalier LS....I like the letters at the end, makes...
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Um, I wanna hear more about this orgy....
man ur so hott!!!! I like ur pic. How does one get do damn sexy? HUH? HOW!

LOL...WAIT. you don't have a pic. hahahahahahaha....

Lates booky~