Just an anthology of problems falling on ears attached to an empty body... it really thinks it might go somewhere... just spilling my guts out of boredom...funny how being lead on leads others on...
it's awful! so what're you going to school for?
These past two weeks have been cloud nine with hell to punctuate. Life has become less simple, complicated in a torrent of confusion... I think i need to sleep... but it will be no remedy... I am so fucking tired... metaphorically as much as physiclly... did I spell that wrong... who cares, you know what I mean...
aw frown hope things get better for you
sweeeet!!! what's it of?
School sucks. I like all of my classes except for French II, it is single handedly ruining my whole semester. Going out for sushi tomarrow after class, that will be nice. Getting my arm finished on Friday, that will be nicer. Hopefully on friday I will get to see the skull and crossbones for my calf and a rough sketch for my right arm. Tattoo...
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I have been on the biggest Mike Patton kick lately. I cannot stop listening to Mr. Bungle, Faith No More, and Tomahawk. any who... um... fuck school! I am not used to this work load yet, alcohol helps.
hey smile
haha thanks!
There is a lot to be said for being stoic. But I swear if your not preppy or ghetto, than there is just nowhere you can fit in, in this city! I keep meeting the same people, I feel like I am a novelty to them... that's all my whining I had to get out for this semester, promise. smile
p.s. I just learned...
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stop by the booth and say allo.
My Grandpa woke up in the middle of the night because he heard someone calling his name. He asked my Grandma what she wanted, she said she didn't call for him. My Grandpa replied "it must have been the lord". He let the dog out and back in and played with it for a while. He went back to sleep. He passed away...
I stand here like a sore thumb with a two finger salute pointed at my temple.

Irony: It turns out that a girl I know through fraying ties, had been fucking one of my good friends when her husband was in Iraq. I had known all along, but I never knew it was him.
Pardon this work in progress, I promise I will be interesting.