i was walking along minding my own little business and realizing just how big my umbrella i borrowed really was (it seemed to take up the entire sidewalk) when i heard something HISS and jump about 2 feet away. i move the umbrella and look down....there i see the largest biggest SKUNK you could ever imagine. it must be living off leftover mcdonald's and pizza...
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That has happened to me on a few occasions. I ran into an entire family of man-eating skunks one time in the early morning while on a jog.
Dude. Teeeeee-rust me. When a skunk sprays you... you know. There's no "hey dude smell me, I think a skunk sprayed me" It's like your neighbour from two blocks away is callin you on the phone goin "Dude! Fucking get some tomato juice (or Clamato if you're in Canada) and start scrubbin! That shit stinks!"

But yesh. Scary shit.

Them and racoons are fucked up, yo. Stay away from that shit.

i'm in my new room.

biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin
new room. right on. tell us about it.
well, i guess i'm going to tegan and sara tonight...mostly inspired by the panic that ensued after mandymo told me it was their last tour before they work on their new album. besides, i NEED that tegan and sara underwear

hopefully my taping of survivor tonight goes well, otherwise i'll be a very happy but sad girl tomorrow. rufus makes the entire show rock

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i'm so scared i'm going to cry....

there are crazy people living in this house...crazy.. they're fighting like fuck upstairs... it's REALLY bad... i want to call the cops....

this brings a new meaning to hysteria. seriously. it's really bad...really bad...really bad...........

yelling, screaming, FIGHTING, crying, hysteria, it's fucking crazy. i think there were knives involved....

there's running and yelling..i'm scared...

i'm scared.

this is...
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I used to call 911 on my old neighbors at least once a week. Thought someone was dying.

So she's the stud huh? And you?
i went to see the tokyo doll exhibition at design exchange today after work. i swear if i ever went to japan i'd spontaneously combust into a million little pieces of happiness. i can't imagine living there. i'd be incessantly giddy.

i wanted to buy a SOFTY by wonder farms but they were selling them for 100 bucks a piece. too much for my blood....
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Welcome to the den of evil. Mouse is cool. I'm jealous.
Miss, may I sugggest glasses? Handsome, me? blush I do appreciate the kind words but I fear you have the wrong boy. ooo aaa
that's akira wakui's zero fighter - a clay sculpture. i poorly photoshopped the background to make it look less horrible. it's not as sharp as i'd like it but it fits in the damn fucking pic window now.
i got the unrated full throttle today cuz lucy liu kicks your ass and it came with a free poster

i think the word FREE or SALE perks up any asian's ears...i think it's in our genes to be able to sniff out dollar stores
Hello. I was told to say hi! I'm glad I did, Lucy Liu does kick my ass (ouch!) and i was not aware of a free poster with the dvd.....must check that out.

Welcome to your new addiction. biggrin
AHH! i keep clicking on my friends under the EDIT YOUR FRIENDS (fine print: click to remove)
about boston: you pay 1000 bucks to live in a 1 bedroom apartment, and everybody is rude. the winters also last 6 months...but, youre prob used to that already. puke
ok ok...actually, boston is pretty decent. there are a lot good venues for shows, a good amount of vegetarian freindly restaurants, we have some nice museums, and its kinda pretty most of the year.
BTW: Jhonen Vasquez...NICE! wink

[Edited on Oct 21, 2003 7:19PM]
i'm in shock. a little 9 year old girl in my neighbourhood was abducted from her bedroom the night before and someone who was in my high school passed away from diabetes the other day. I just found out from one of my friends today. I wasn't close to her but she was in my art class and she was a really nice and decent...
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