There are times when you hate yourself for some of the things you've done....but I've always hated myself far more for the things I fail to do.
I understand you were in a bad place, and I can't hold that against you. I knew what I was getting myself into, and i did it anyway. So there are no hard feelings, no grudges. I don't hate you. I don't dislike you. I even still like you. But I'm changed because of it. I'm not who I was, and I don't know how...
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As of late, my last thought as I finally succumb to sleep is actually a silent prayer to the powers-that-be that I would either wake as someone else entirely...or not wake at all. And I'm not suicidal. There is a gap like the grand canyon between wanting to die and not wanting to be alive any longer. If real life was like a video game...
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A man died in front of me today.

I say this with almost a sense of awe. I went into the room to do a routine set of vitals and he was obviously not breathing right with his Bipap. He was at about 30 respirations per minute and told me that he felt like the oxygen had been turned off. His blood pressure was fine,...
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I got into school for the fall...very happy about it. One degree wasn't enough, and I'll be at 4 before I'm done.
"Pandemic imminent"

I completely believe that the human race is on the downslide and that the clock is ticking. We are going to be wiped out sometime relatively soon, and in my opinion its not going to be nuclear war, or some guy in the sky coming down raining fire. I believe it is going to be a virus. Think of the "Black Death," or...
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The sun is finally shining again....

I have a nearly uncontrollable urge to stare into that ball of light until its image is so burned into my being that I never lose the sight of it again. My absolute and unbrindled hatred for the cold burns with the heat of a thousand of those suns. I don't have the words to describe the abysmal levels...
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I was a member a few years ago, but I let my subscription end and I no longer have the e-mail that I used back then, so i lost all my faves....that just means I get to go through the whole site again to find them. I don't see that as a bad thing....

So ever since graduating, 2 years ago, I've pretty much felt....I...
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