Also. . . can I just say that I feel that Green Day's new album kcisk SO MUCH ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

It rocks.
I've honestly never done anything like this before. I suppose that there's a first time for everything. My life really isn't that interesting. Oh well. My RM went into labor 3 months premature two days ago, so life's been a little hectic since then. I was able to spend the weekend with one of my best friend/lover Celadon and just take in the spring weather...
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thanks for the very nice comment! kiss
The events of the past few days really have made me ponder some of my conceptions about this country. It was kind of surprising but at the same time not, to realize that the majority of people in this country are in a severe state of philisophical denial mad. One thing that really struck me was the overwhelming 11 state ban on the gay marriage issue. I honestly could not believe it, espeically in Oregon. eeek
The same people who attest that gay marriage will damage the "sacred" institution are the exact same type of fanatical zealots that claimed inter-racial marriage would do the same thing. It is just so fundamentally ludicrous. puke
I can only wonder what the majority of the rest of the globe think of us as American's right now. I'm sorry, but if this is our ideal conception of "deomcracy" than we as a country and as a people are not going to be able to convince other countries that THIS is what they need.
And to the people who attest that Bush was a better choice and have labelled the rest of us as cry-babies and bleeding hearts. . . I say this

How DARE YOU ALL. You use the term "bleeding heart" as if it were something to be ashamed of. You taunt and you tease. . You rub 49% of the country's face in the rancid and vomitous SHIT of your so-called victory, and the majority of you have the AUDACITY and INDECENCY to call yourselves "Christians!" mad You are all going to get the biggest surprise of your existence when you die because you are sure NOT going the place you think you are. May God. . . .Jesus. . . Yahweh. . . Allah. . . Buddah. . . WHOEVER deity IS above us all HAVE the good grace to forgive you for your slanderous, murderous, back stabbing, close-minded, self righteous, utter disregard for the REST OF THE PLANET behavior

To the rest of us
The following fours years will be brutal, insulting, and saddening. All we can do now is hope for a day when we WILL NOT discriminate on faith, WILL NOT capitalize on the deaths of our fallen brothers and sisters, WILL NOT close our eyes to the world around us, WILL NOT forswear privileges based on sexuality, WILL NOT sully our nations hands with the blood of the Innocent
And above all else
In the words of JFK
The we realize that we ALL inhabit this small planet, we all breath the same air, we all cherish our children's future, and we are all mortal