Sevodnya buil uzhas'ny dyen.

I believe the girl is gone. I made a bit of a mess of it, i think. I hope she (I) come(s) around. It's just been so long since i've even tried to do this- i reckon i'm scarin' her. Shit.

Happy v-day, yall.
j'adore ton photo!


Oh gosh.
Tonight was a night of epic proportions. We, in the aftermath of finals and unnatural stimulation, purged ourselves of our post-finals jitters with some performance art and collective effervescence. it was beautiful. Then wandered around the streets of Olde Leningrad with bottles of beer and fine conversation. A truly lovely evening.

A question- must art have an audience to be considered such?

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Since Absinthe rarely responds to comments, I thought I'd answer your question for you. Ropalian is this boy who I worship. Absinthe is starting to see the light. He is absolutely gorgeous and creative and intense. He is my secret crush. I decided to call him Ropalian, because it seemed less creepy than calling him my secret crush, or something like that.
hmmm, his "thing".... I would definetly say that he is a renaissance man of sorts. He writes poetry and short stories, plays the accordian and guitar, sews, tells the best stories you've ever heard, just off the top of his head. Also, he's in charge of this strange club at my school (Absinthe and I are members) that does bizarre, random things all the time. Mostly, he's just got this extreme "intensity" about him. It comes out most when he tells stories, but you can always see it hovering around the corners of his eyes. In addition to all this, he's the most beautiful man who has ever existed.
It is so late, but i'm incredibly energetic. Just found out that a piece of mine's to be published soon. Keep an eye out in McSweeneys for stories about fiddle players. So i'm celebrating on my own this evening, listening to the Constantines and Le Tigre and thrashing around like i'm crazy. Russians, for the most part, do not share my enthusiasms for dance parties....
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nyet, ya ne prochitala. O chom ona?
yeah sorry, i'm generally too lazy to work on my grammar!

d.m. thomas writes a lot about russia and russian literature. my favourite novel ever is his 'ararat', which among other things is about pushkin. he actually completes pushkin's unfinished 'egyptian nights'.

'the flute player' is about a girl in a soviet (though this is never explicit) town, where she suffers various tragedies as repression eases off and then returns like the tide. i just recently finished it.

the novel that i'm currently trying to get published is for teenagers, but i'm now working on two more. one is about the obsession of biography (inspired by the likes of a.s. byatt's 'biographer's tale'). the other is about chekhov, and is linked to my PhD work.

where can i see your stuff? is it in english or russian?
hmm... just found out about this place, and have never done such things before (ie, webjournals and such). Am having mixed feelings about the idea, but for the moment am willing to experiment. (don't take that improperly, fellas.)

today was full of books and ghost dances and storytellings. also a turkey fry, to which i showed up late and was thus screwed out of the...
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