Update: Can't breath, constantly coughing up nasties, body hurts from all the coughing. Lesson? Don't get pneumonia... that is unless you want to lose some poundage. That was a joke...ha...ha.... I would never suggest an illness as a good diet. Though I hear mono works wonders. ha..ha.... I was getting better a few days ago, and now I feel like death, but I think it's...
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I had it for four weeks. I finally went to the doctor and got on antibiotics... and the suffering stopped wink
Good luck. Hope you feel better.
I'm feeling better, still run down, but my girlfriend is sick sick sick. I feel terrible for making her sick. But she doesn't blame me, even though she missed a great opportunity with selling her work at the Oakland art museum this past weekend. So now I am taking care of her, hopefully as well as she took care of me. puke

yeah the train station should be awesome. I will be posting pics.
lol, yeah cameras are the less violent option.
pneumonia...not cancer. So I am on the road to recovery. Now back to bed. Goodnight.
so glad <3

sleep well, dream sweet, and mend swift
haahha, that's what my grandparents do too. You can still be American...as long as you hang something wink
Sick sick...sick. Yup, I'm sick. Today was supposed to be my last day at work. I was supposed to go to a party celebrating the end of our working season. I even planned the fucking party and here I am at home sick. Here are my symptoms:
pain in my lungs
congestion in my throat and lungs
low fever running around 99.1-100.8
a horrible pain...
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I am going crazy... and Jefferson Airplane playing in the background isn't helping. I have spent all day waiting for an order of prints to go through on the internet. I won't state the company I am ordering my prints through, since I don't know if it's on my end or theirs that this process has taken about 6 hours...and it's still not done. I...
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I absolutely love that picture!
Hey! I found you through my friend Alyn's profile (mrnutsnbolts).

You have some great photography! Yeah for photographers smile
Bees bees bees... I was sitting at a random park on a break from work, having a smoke, when I noticed the sound of buzzing. I'm an insect trapper, so I'm used to hearing buzzing, this buzzing stood out. I turned and saw behind me a chainlink fence covered with some sort of ivy that was in full bloom. It was covered with bees. I...
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Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. . . you're funny kiss
very well done.
Thanksgiving fat and Christmas lists... These are the things of the near future. I have been compiling a list for the fat man in the red suit. Lots of camera gear, photog sups, and a few movies..."harold and maude" to be specific. My VHS copy finally died, so I hope it's out in DVD. I'm working hard and yet feel as though I am hardly...
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and another...

and to see more check out Designsbyahummingbird
Nope pretty sure he owns that one pair of pants, no shirt. wink
I called in sick to work today. Physically I am well, but mentally I have crashed to the floor of a deep canyon. I'm broken, bloodied and bruised. I require bone setting, braces, stitches and casts. I am certain that my madula oblongata will need to be broken and reset. I need to focus on what is important to me and allow a few things...
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wish i had some advice for you but Im often in need of some myself...

sounds like you need more time to yourself. Dont feel guilty about taking time off from being productive. You need regular downtime or else you will go insane surreal