A concept lives in the mind. One thing that people seem to forget is that, no matter how much it dominates our language, the way we look at our world and American culture at large, possession and ownership are merely concepts. They have nothing to do with what is real. If there were some super-sweet radiation wave from space or explosion of liberating concept-culture that...
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long-time no see, i hope all is well, good luck with the court thing, call me sometime
i miss you dude
A fear of death is primitive. Those forms of life that have had a profound and overwhelming fear of their own mortality have always had a greater chance of survival. Due this evolutionary fact, some of the most prolific species on our planet have a crushingly powerful fear of their own death. Simply put, the fear of death is a survival trait and stems solely...
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hope the job is going well!
I am not afraid of death, but sometimes when I am in a situation with a lot people I find myself thinking about how one day they will all be dead and how fragile everything really is.

[Edited on Jul 10, 2003]
Poetry is the perfect way for people who take themselves too seriously to prevent others from making that same mistake.
hmm... some freak kept messeging me creepy poetry today.
I have a few pics under "my pics," I'm not much into resizing a pic to fit the specific size that SG wants.
At the Zoo

Loud girl in my face,
With voice like a hyena.
I must push her down.
There is a fundamental flaw in the concept of money as a medium of exchange: it lasts forever. Using a medium of exchange that has perpetual value is incongruous to the valued items it is meant to represent. Equipment breaks down over time, livestock grows old and dies, crops that go uneaten will rot, the memory of a favor or service performed fades, buildings crumble...
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tomorrow in the main event:
"Keep It In The Family"

be there!
Your profile pic makes you look all angry and stuff.

Oh...wait a minute.
Our universe is nothing more than a vast experiment. There is a Divine Impetus that designed it and brought it in to being, that much is clear as it seems impossible that something would come from nothing. If you consider how common carbon is and you consider the fact that water is one of the most common compounds in the universe and is held by...
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I think people would just find some other reason to kill one another. There are already lots of other excuses to choose from for those so inclined. Religion just sounds more civilised to certain fools.
go join SGSTL in the groups
If you make an effort to further the cause of any group, you are, by association, in allegiance with them. Even if you are being paid for what you do, you obviously have so little problem with the policies employed by that group that you're willing to overlook any flaws and help them achieve their ultimate goal. For these reasons, I have to say that...
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I share your philosophy about jealousy. An irrational Darwinian caveman holdover. I've always believed that -with everything we've shared- if my girlfriend is capable of finding a romantic partner that she prefers, then it's probably for the longterm best. What's the alternative, right? Preventing her from meeting anyone I suspect she might prefer? No victory in that. Actually, I've stopped -in most contexts- referring to her as "my girlfriend" ever since she left me for her dance instructor. But you follow what I meant. Hmmm. Right. *She* is -at least- much better off. So, you know, I don't think that necessarily runs counter to my thesis.

I gather we've had similar experiences with the Current Events boards. There are actually a number of sane, intelligent SGers who begin these threads by linking to provocative articles. You'll find these just above the part where the same seven neo-cons continue their ongoing argument about which one of them argues best (don't they have forums on nationalreview.com?), which is, itself, above the part where the same seven wits decide that wouldn't it be clever and ironic to turn this into a thread about yogurt flavors or mime jokes. But I usually don't get that far.

Yes. We should plan a St. Louis thing. (There's so many of us all of a sudden. Or maybe I just haven't checked in a while.) Preferably in some well-lit, public place. Until I can determine to what extent your profile picture has been Photoshopped. smile
so im getting closer to uploading a profile pic where you can tell what i look like
Two things stand through the history of humanity as the cause of conflict: economic inequity and cultural differences. We are on the very cusp of realizing a potentially global community. I can talk to people on the other side of the world verbally or in text at will. If I wish, I can have the means to travel anywhere in the world in a matter...
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Excellent post and also profile pic.
Very true.

[Edited on Apr 07, 2003]
I think that the American belief in the power of the status symbol is chief among the shallow manifestations of the mainstream American worship of material wealth. Like Dumbo's magic feather, people seem to believe that if they hold these things, they will soar over the heads of those who can't afford them. There is an obtuse and unhealthy fascination ingrained within our society that...
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Love that journal entry! I've sifted it for sarcasm and can't find any.

I didn't mean to get you riled up by suggesting there aren't irresponsible people on the Internet and elsewhere (these boards are fucking pixels like everything else in the resoundingly fake Internet "environment," and not worth squirting out any extra gut-corroding gastric juices over). Everybody knows there are irresponsible people online, and in the American Medical Association for that matter. GStrife, on the other hand, was asking about a minor ache in his elbow, a problem with which it seems some of us have had experience; I figured he could take our advice or leave it and either way, he wouldn't die. As it happened, he came around to thinking he might have slept on his elbow and made it hurt.

Man, I almost told him to boil a rag and bury it in the backyard. The fact is, I forgot that one ...
let go
Maybe this will make me sound like I'm getting old or jaded early in life but I can't stand it anymore. Dignity and integrity in American culture is disintegrating. If someone is doing something that is hurtful or wrong or in bad taste and someone else takes issue with them, the first reaction seems to be to find a way to shut the injured party...
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What a great journal entry. I oft wonder the same thing.
Now that we signed the lease, dealing with this bullshit town is a little easier. The end isn't some abstracted idea anymore, it solid. I can't wait to move into the metro area. This carcenogenic sprawling strip-mall farm of a town isn't me and never was.

Made a fat-ass pot of vegetarian chili. Not too hot so Shalome could eat some too. Perfect for chilly...
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Dude, Shalome 's tellin' me you might want to go to Columbia this weekend?? I'm getting into St. Louis around 11am Friday, the I got a meeting out by Riverport, then to home. Did you want a ride?? Call me.