Arrgh, the issue of being out-classed when dating !

I was visiting my sister in Portland Oregon, and ran into this beautiful woman while sniffing perfume at a place where a dear friend works. We spoke for just a few minutes, but it was a very nice conversation. She talked about being "older" (women simply don't use the "O word" in my experience) and I...
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Nowadays friendships, and even romance, can easily blossom over great distances. Things like Skype allow for lengthy conversations over nothing, that used to only happen in person.
The real question: Does she like cats? miao!!
And....here on the Oregon high desert, it is indeed snowing, just like they said it might. Those huge damp flakes like big wet falling Kleenex. Sticky and sticking.

Not that snow is bad, but it's a wee bit early for this kind of stuff to be predicted for the whole rest of the coming week. The kind of situation that, if it stays semi-cold, can...
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whoa, that's pretty early snow! It's still in the 80s here
HAHAHAHA! I just saw your comment about the chicken and the egg and black and white thinking. Awesome. biggrin

Snow already? Hmmmm We're moving to Indiana. Hoping for a light snow year.
Things continue to go well with my new cat Buddy. I put up signs, and there's an ad in the paper, but no one has called with the proper description yet. Sad though, as when you do this you hear from everyone who has lost a cat, so I've found myself doing some consoling of those who are struggling with the idea that their own...
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Sounds like a very cool cat.
smile cats are awesome
I've had cats all my life, but had one for about 5 years, after having a couple of ones which were born in this house die of old age.

The idea of going to the pound and picking one out, when you knew the others would be going to the gas chamber....I just couldn't do that.

So thin guy went through my yard two days...
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I hope you get to keep him smile
maybe he's a neighborhood cat that doesn't belong to anyone- just a cat that everyone takes care of? we have one of those in our neighborhood, he's awesome. he's actually nicer and better behaved than my house cats!

anyway, i hope you get to keep him. smile
Well, I think some of you know how it goes. Sometimes we just don't feel like blogging, and so we let this page sit idle, as though we do not care.

So I did have something that happened a few days ago. My.....well, I can't really call her my GF, but we were saying "I love you" to each other, and sleeping together, when neither...
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Thank you for the blog comment.

Us humans are complicated creatures; I hope everything works out for the best.
So glad to see your comment on my blog. Sending you lots of love love

An archy friend of mine just got a job on another forest up in Bend...she'll be in your forest protecting your archy stuff come November smile

Will be heading up to the Lake for...10 days, I hope. My old canoe, my pup tent, some fishing, lots of birds, old companions that meet once a year in a beautiful setting.

Could it really be true that I've been going there for this many years ?
I think it's because it just keeps the look low and clean. Just not a big fan of ape hangers.
I know, right? I found out this was not based on their 1st church performance. At least they got away with a couple. And that their term is well underway, which sucks when you have little kids.
Went down to the movie house and saw the re-broadcast of 2010 The Met production of Wagner's 'Das Reingold' last evening.

Free tickets from the classical music radio station :Yeah !

Not sure if I'll slog my way through the following 3 operas that make up the rest of 'The Ring Cycle', but who knows.

An interesting group of folks there though, for this little...
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Although I love the ring cycle (and Parsifal even more), not everyone here shares my views. I have the habit of playing one part repeatedly as a way of immersing myself in the lugubrious darkness that is Wagner... one day I was playing part of Gotterdamerung while splitting wood... my beloved dog, Sam, accompanied me as usual, but after a while he got up, wandered over to the boombox, lifted his leg and expressed his opinion of Wagner. After I got the thing more or less dried out, I played only the blues or 60s rock n roll while in his company.

... and thanks for your comments on my blog! I had a fancy reel-to-reel that I could dub myself on - it was my first major purchase as a working sod (in high school). I worked in the basement of a college doing data transfers onto punch cards and no radio waves could get into the room - so I recorded pop music and fm underground stations to keep me awake those many long years ago.

and yes, I was one of those fully outside the mainstream, not by choice but by nature - as my profession (astrologer) and other things later proved... but it was a hard path to walk in the early sixties - so those of us who were freaks necessarily banded together despite our personal differences.

<<My favorite line from "Freak Out" : Who are the Brain Police ?
A question we would all do well to consider.>>

indeed! today, I'd say it is the news media, starting with CNN and working to the right...
How's the weather down in Bend today? It's utter shite up here on the north end of the PNW.

April 29th

It's Chimney Swift migration time here in the US now, and will last for the next few weeks as the swifts (technically we have Vaux's Swifts here on the West Coast) move north in a wave from their wintering grounds in Central America, to nest as far north as Southern Alaska.

What happens during migration is they gather in flocks right at dusk...
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Very cool. Bozeman, MT is as far west as I have been. So far...
Boy, a person can begin to look as though he's not active on the site anymore if he does not keep up with his blog postings. I've been terrible at that I know, mostly because my grand love affair took a bad twist and turned into a mind-fuck instead. And it's difficult to know what to write and sound cogent when, pretty much by definition,...
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Thanks for your comment, and so interesting that you've made Mokume and worked Niello, two wonderfully difficult smithing processes. My blacksmithing is limited to steel and iron but I long to hammer bronze someday, as well as do much more forge welding of hard steels to wrought iron. I have, like you, made many things with my own hands but nothing satisfies my primitive soul as much as forge work.

Yataiki was so special, without a shred of pretense. I was fortunate in the extreme to have had the opportunities to interact with him that I did and am deeply grateful always. I think you would have enjoyed him immensely.
Thanks so much!
I don't blog very often, but those who know me may know that after 15 years alone, I've been in a relationship recently.

Unfortunately it turned out to be one of those ones where everything is absolutely amazing to begin with, and then things begin to turn weird after that. Of course ( says he ) ** I'm ** not the one who's treated the...
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Oh I was just thinking about you last night! Thank you, I hope you are doing well.

I'm pretty bummed lately that its about the end of the season for my gardening frown
Thanks for adding me! You advice in the ED group is always super helpful!

( a note I sent to Allie, about gardening )

I got the flower gardening bug from my grandmothers, I think. I remember as a little kid, my grandmother showing me how plants made seeds : by the yellow dusty stuff getting on that other part in the middle. I remember being really impressed by that.

Back then, annuals came in wooden flats, and you...
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I used to do a bit of gardening with my ex. I built a garden in the shade of a tree to surround a pond I built for my dog as a source of fresh cold water in the summer. I managed to plant carnivorous plants around it so that the ants and Mosquitos that flourished from the water or moisture could be kept in check. It was very rewarding to see something that I put so much work into thrive. It was amazing to create that beauty and make something so soothing when it's so easy to be overwhelmed with stimulation.
smile how are the peonies doing?
OK, so I am starting to notice a pattern, and finally my GF is too.

Once things start settling down with us, and looking like we have something serious going....that's when she tries to kill the thing. So in a sense, the better things get......the worse they get.

We are both able to say we love each other, and are not looking for anyone else,...
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yep, my favorite part of the day is tending to them. i cannot wait for my gladiolus to bloom, so many of them that should be blooming in the next few weeks!
i am really excited i found some lisianthus plants at a garden center - they are hard to grow here and i can never find plants for sale. i havent found a spot for them yet, probably going to buy a special standing pot. they are my favorite flower from when i used to work as a florist. smile
peonies are way above my level though! you should post some photos of them smile
also, i hope things are getting better with you and your girlfriend. missed this blog, must have been when computer was broken.