My new cat Buddy, for the first time today I saw him have some interactions with a couple of cats in the front yard (his territory) where he *didnt* get in a big fight with them.

They just touched noses, and then laid about on the lawn together.

They were girl cats, of course. wink
In Portland, attending the regional meeting of the American Peony Society. smile
LOL...Our chapter is mostly made up of commercial nurserymen, rather than "home gardeners" , so we always have our meeting at the end of winter, when they are not busy out in their fields. The peonies are mostly still underground at this time of year, so no pictures to show.

The show's presentation was on hybridizing, and I'm still the only person out here on the West coast that's doing any of that. Now that I've been hybridizing for about 12 years, my seedlings are just getting big enough to flower, and I *am* getting some interesting things. The word that I'm getting some good results is slowly leaking out, but since there's still only one existing plant of most of them, and they are only in bloom for 10 days or so....it's still this kind of mysterious rumor. Some people have seen pictures...some people have heard about the pictures....

It's all pretty fun, I must admit. wink

This spring I'll be seeing a whole new batch of things for the very first time, so I'll try and post some pictures here.

As I'm finding, a lot of people tend to keep mum about what they have ( until they've officially named and registered them, been able to propagate them to the point where they have a bunch of plants of them) so it will be an SG horticultural exclusive ! wink

Thank you for your words of support.. as always wink

I can't wait to see the photos!! I'd love to see the progression of how they grow... but you may not want to divulge your secret talent tongue wink

I need to get into gardening again... this past year has just been so rough I haven't been able to. Although I love it, it kind of brings back bad memories of when I would garden all day and night after work on massive amounts of adderall and rum. I can get past that mental block if I try hard enough. But then theres still the money! Rawr! I am going to move to Mars.

You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him."

Attributed to Goethe and various others.
OK, I don't know how many weeks it's been now, but I was finally able to threaten and browbeat my friend into going to the hospital. Running 103* temp for two weeks or more, then having blood show up in your urine, and still refusing to go ? All the while wanting to chat on the computer with me for hours every day ?

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Here's hoping she finally wakes up and realizes what she's doing to herself, deciding it's not worth it anymore to do that.
Oh I bet that is draining.. you put up with it for quite a while. I am glad you got her to go. I think she will end up thanking you smile
The cops showed up at my friend's door this morning, and arrested her abusive BF, on what charges no one knows.

Her temperature from pneumonia continues at over 103*, with no abatement. No meds, and she resolutely refuses to go back to the hospital.

" I hate the hospital. "

I suppose the "rock bottom" thing is getting closer, as with him gone, now she's...
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frown Keeping you and your friend in my thoughts.
Abruptly no word from her in the last couple of days, so hopefully she's come to her senses, and has made it to the hospital.

Made her promise to leave my contact info in a note to her father, in case things go bad.

It seemed like the least I could request for myself.

The saga of my friend continues, but I don't know for how much longer.

She has pneumonia, and has had it for weeks, was on an IV antibiotic drip in the hospital, checked herself out before the course of antibiotics were done ( "I just hate hospitals") thus assuring that only the most drug-resistant were left in her body, and was *not* able to fill...
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I've dealt with people who are in abusive relationships before, and that part of things can be just about as frustrating as anything I know. If she were to give this guy the dump, her situation would be *so* much better, but like so many other abused women, she just can't give the guy up.

Even when the guy is in jail for long stretches, he finds ways to manipulate her from there, and his thug "friends" on the outside manage to keep her terrorized.

While she's without the meds she needs now, the suggestion that I pay for them did not come up this time, and I didn't offer either. Mostly because I know it's to late for oral meds to help her, and the only thing that will actually get her to the hospital and back on IV antibiotics ( Which I believe are the only thing that will save her life now ) is if someone around her panics at her condition and drags her there.

She's a mess in a bunch of other different medical and psychological ways too.

It's hard to be harsh with someone when they are at death's door, so right now all I'm doing is chatting when she wants to chat, and then waiting to see what happens.

I suppose she could somehow spontaneously get better, but I've read enough about drug-resistant pneumonia to doubt that that's going to happen.

So all I can really do now is wait.
Speaking as a woman who has been in abusive relationships before, I know that my ex starting to lay hands on me in front of my son was my wake-up call. And hitting my son. Part of the problem though in an abusive relationship is that the abuser makes her think that she's not worth it without them. (And a lot of the time, not worth it with.) I hope that things get better, but even if they don't, I'm here if you want to talk.
I don't rant often, but this one's going to be a long one, I fear.

I have a web friend who is in an abusive relationship. She and I have IMed for probably 7 years now, and she has a condition where she throws up a lot. Bulimia and Gastroparesis.

She ends up in the hospital because of electrolite issues, but once she gets out,...
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Its an awful situation she's in but she got herself in it and in the end she'll have to get herself out. Helping her with money, even though she resists at first, is just enabling her and she's not getting the boot up the ass she needs to wake up.

It's hard but sometimes we need to step back and say nothing, I've had to do it with family and it sucks but with some people the only way to be there is by not being there.
Yes, I understand about letting her suffer the consequences of her actions. There's absolutely no talking sense into her, so what else is there to do ?

It's just that the particular sorts of consequences she is looking at (medical ones) generally seem to involve her dying.

Which is a harsh way to ask someone to get the message.

Damn, we just got over a big string of nights when it was in the single digits, and barely broke the teens in the daytime for a few days, and then today I saw a honey bee in my front yard !

How it can go from how it was, to almost 60* that quickly....it keeps winter interesting at least.
The weather is quite crazy this year.
That's one determined honey bee!

A great coming year for comets they say. One in March that could be good, and then Comet ISON in November.

Apparently ISON could get bright enough to be seen in the daytime, and others have speculated that it could be the biggest in several centuries.

These things have a habit of not panning out in the way that optimists hope they will, but then...
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When we had the big one here.....a bunch of years ago.....you could see the thing for several months. People watched it get bigger and bigger, but it was kind of cool to watch it slowly get smaller and disappear too, knowing just how far out there it was heading , and how many long years it would be until it returned again.
hello friend, yes, thats true i was not that much active on the site lately. its crazy. but this year i wanna be better. i wanna be better in more things. and i really believe in that. thank you for stopping by and good luck for you too!
One thing about making apple pies : You know what you're going to be doing all day.
Thank you smile I'm certainly looking forward to exploring the site, and being part of the community...there's so much here, it's fantastic!
Eep! I just realized what was meant to be a reply to your comment on my blog ended up here...and didn't make a whole lot of sense. Whoops! Total noob...oh well. Regardless, thanks for your kind comments, and hope the apple pies turned out well! smile

*Trying* to get all my outdoor winter preparations done before things get *really* like winter.

Laid out the long weed-eater cord, and got it hooked up to my birdbath heater today.

Keeping some water open, when everything freezes up solid, is totally a great thing for birds and birdwatching.

A funky water bowl heater , $16 from the feed store, does the trick.

Yes, if you have a birdbath, or even just want to make something like this out of a bowl you have laying around, stop and check at the feed store. The heater I have just looks like a funky spiral of heater wire, wrapped in some heavy aluminum foil. While you are there, pick up a 50 lb bag of millet. Really cheap, and you just scatter it around on the ground and particularly under shrubs that give cover.

It doesn't take much to get a thing like this going in the wintertime. The water is really the thing here.
My mom always puts a heater in her bird bath in the winter. The cardinals love it!

Happy balloon by my picture to me. :-)
happy birthday!
Aw, I missed it. Happy day after balloon by your picture day!