I got with the hottest Modern Primitive this weekend in P-Town while I was at the Lambda Literarys and erotica readings etc etc.
Omigawd like, sex fom another world. soooo intense and lovely and wild. and all that Jack Daniels at the Macho Bar didnt hurt, much.

I am so happy and I guess just greatful to the gods for the gift of wild freedom...
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smile kiss
p.s.please e mail me as soon as you have a date for mtl
much love and affection
sincerely yours biggrin
yo, PEACHES is *still* rockin my block all day today - thinking about her selfassured flow makes me want to PERFORM and work my ass off! I loved her - and the two tranny back up dancers with the hot pink mesh caps, bad beards and pink strap on cocks were quite um, stunning - as in "dOoh, you just blew out my brains, I'm...
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Hey, that sounds like a helluva show! I'd love to see it. The Dollz to a cute number to the Zippers "HELL," I love that song, too!

On this tour coming up, we'll be doing Eastern Canada and the US Midwest, however we tour quite often and are planning to expand our whole enterprise drastically this coming year. I will definitely send you a package!

The Theater Offensive sounds interesting. Do you have a website?
Awww thank you hun. And good news, the moths have lessened now that summer is gone. Yay!
! love PEACHES love !
Electrocutie opened - like two 17 year old germanic ho's with very very thin lil bodies - lythe yet a bit clumsy - I liked their songs. The brunette reminded me so much of Karen from the YeahYeahYeah's both in how she looked and the way she sang and moved - but Karen's better...

Ok, then PEACHES tore us all a new...
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another set?, hopefully soon./// i just looked at your pics and i am so jealous of DITA on your lap!!! She needs to be on my lap! I got a ticket to the Tease-o-rama this weekend and shes the headliner, at least ill get to look at her.smile and i love all your costumes and creativeness.

[Edited on Oct 07, 2003]
I thought I saw you in line outside the middle east wasn't sure though, caught a quick glimpse as I went to claim my place in line, hell yeah, great show.
new job today was getting boring
hm. perhaps I'll just stick to the old one...
cute kids from all over the world come through the hostel though, and I'm getting ready to travel again. so its nice to meet so many backpackers and world travelers. nice people!

Peaches tomorrow night, middle east rock club. should be interesting! Im excited about her live, have never seen...
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Glad you liked my set. Thanks smile
Ive seen it 4 times. party tonight, yea!
can I just say how much the rock opera *The Fire Of Life* RAWKS?! Oh my gawd, with a socialist hot dyke hero toolove !Yeah Slamber!, this show has great costumes and set too. Cambridge Ma YWCA, tonight and Sat night only, 8pm, $10. The songs are sooooo great - Live house band of hot emo boys...
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Check it. Finally heard some good explanations from the sexy ninja ex... sweet. I love em forever when theyre in my heart blood and soul, but a grrls gotta get respect & closure, and a bit of explaining was wayyy over due. well, now I feel it will all be good for us- psyched at the honesty and apologies. Wont keep the doghouse up.

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Ronin has on of the best car chases ever. I got a woodie from it.

Did I spell woodie right.
hey there,
gotta say i liked what i say and id love to see more but up here HBO isnt part of the cable package so i guess ill just have to use my imagination smile
its nice to see all that creative energy come to fruition and you really come across as a lover of all that you see beautiful so you have my respect and envy...
all the power to you
take care
Hmmm.. yeah! Happy Vix Today.
Lets just say, Go Go longhair Tantra lover...whew.

Ok, its really really funny when a cute Boston Police Officer rides up on his Harley(he was biracial black/white mixed w a golden mustache and hazel eyes, unusual looking and in great shape too.) - this is Sat in the streets at the peace demonstration (themes: end the occupation: support our troops:...
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I knew you looked famillar.....Rams sister....hmmmmm! Suicide girls is great eyecandy, but I like the fact that friendster is way more interactive...atleast for me....what are you under on friendster..your regular name????I am sure we are probably connected.
hello there, rawdon here..
im so glad you enjoyed the shots, and just like i said...whats fair is fair so i took a look at your own and im glad i i did. all i gotta say is keep em cuming cause the more the merrier. i love the shots with you in costume enjoying yourself and those around you. happy happy.
take care and good luck
sincerely yours
p.s. hes eleven months today--11.01.03
Saw the lil hottie out again tonight. We were dancing. yum. Think Ill see about that next week when my health is back up.
Tonight also feeling a bit ...sad/pensivesurreal, dont know why really.. well, yes I do know but shouldnt say why. anyway, working on overcoming and enjoying my crazy life. Whew. more and more folks said today "hey, saw you on HBO"...
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its a better night - gor a drink at Rave with a hottie Ive been hunting...slooow...slooow...Im taking it slow. GRIN! well, off to let my roomate get her e-mail....
Its sunny. I THINK I LOST TWO OF MY BEST FRIENDS.Have you seen them? Cute and lovable. seeking them. vs seeking new friends. hm.
If ya love someone let them go, thats what my mom said.... its corny but its the better choice I think.
Theres a million billion more people and animals too..... thoughts today.
I wont have another set going up for a while, I'm trying to get one together with Bailey, but it's not even shot yet. I really like the latex stuff you do, the pics in your candids is rad. Do you do that often? I would love to photograph that.
Semi dreaming..so many lovely Suicide Girls. And where are the Suicide Boys? how about Suicide Bis? Peek peek peek... so very lovely. Goodnight...
Im getting over illness with chicken soup made by good friends. bok
thanks for the feedback. I shoot film, and yeah I've head some non phixion, good stuff