just had a crazy sad realization

im pretty sure im going to loose a fuck load of dlc and arcade games when i get my new 360 GUH

oh and FUNNY story i ordered sims 3 console (about 1 hr before my 360 blew up haha) and i recieved such package today opened it up and oh look sims 3 console for WII! haha stupid...
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awe well u can always recover ur Gamertag and redownload all ur dlc and stuff :p smile
so my x-box blowed up on saturday night so now im sad and bored and missing my sex box but good news can come from the red ring of death this means

good excuse to get the new xbox slim with kinect <3

bad news 1 hour before my box blew up i bought more games guh nothing more frustrating then new games that i...
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dude i saw that movie 3 times in theaters! now i have to get the blu-ray
Xboxes can blow up?!! eeek

so i think its time for an update

im starting to think i may be ready to start dating but don't know where to start but i figure life goes on and ill find someone when i find someone

ive been enjoying some amazing documentaries as of late

also been enjoying some awesome video games that have come out recently

fallout new vegaslovelovelovelovelove
dead rising...
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Yeah new vegas has been pretty rad sorry i havn't really been around to say hi ive just been bust with work and dealing with a lot of personal stuff. but what have you been up 2?
Only 29 more days until Halloween! What should I dress up as this year?wink
i don't know how to ask someone out on a date

yes seems like a very odd thing to not know how to do but... i've NEVER asked anyone out they've always asked me out first lmao BUT im gonna try and do it tomorrow i swear.... if i fuck up ill be really sad

so uh any er pointers on the subjet would be...
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Honestly, you can't fuck it up. Just ask them to do something and see what comes of it. You're a sweetheart so I can't imagine anyone turning you down.
i hath returned and quite a story to tell you sexy suicide girls land! kaaayy so ala tuesday apres work i was talking to my team leader a bit after my shift was done and my friend lyndsay came up to me and said hey were going to the bar wanna come with? i was like hells yes ive had a poopy day lets do...
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So I am currently writing this blog via my brand spanking new IPAD!!!!!!!! I am so in love with this device it's crazy!<3eeek
i packed a bong an hour ago why the fuck did i not smoke it? *shakes head*

anyways i am a crazy working lady so not much is new other then i need video game recommendations i need some new shizz too play and to boost up my gamer score some more (just cracked 8000 FINALLY!!)

also in the proccess of planning tattoo numero 2...
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play avatar the last airbender The Burning Earth u get a easy 1,000 points in it watch..

lol or if u wana u can play deadspace. i almost got 1,000s in like 3 replays :p
i know right and it only takes 2 mins to get it lol
lalala i went on a shopping mini spree today k so i officially own

big bang theory seasons 1&2 as well as sex and the city seasons 1&2

oh and got a sweet new brush from smashbox cosmetics and kat von d's autograph eyeliner


that little nerdgasm didn't happen...i swear...

i've been smoking tooo much pot lately

....no thats a lie i havent been...
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That's awesome. I love Big Bang Theory. I pre-ordered Dead Rising 2 and New Vegas also. I cannot wait.
awe well thanks ;p ur geekyness is sexy too hehe :p
work is crazy the simpsons inspired me to smoke more pot when i saw the episode when homer starts smoking pot late on night this week haha hopefully on monday ill get some more nekked pics up here? yesyes

wahh i so full from nummy mommy made dinner lol

ok boring blog i do apologize



i wanna get a harry potter tattoo soon...
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Hooray to everything involved in this blog
Well as you know i'm definitely down for more nekked pics! tongue

And Harry Potter tattoo would be freakin cool!