I just got spam mail from Al Franken, he's got pretty poor taste in porn, lemme tell ya.
thanks for the comment on my set!
Thank you for your comment on my set! I like your profile picture kiss
By some freak quantum occurance in the laws of physics last night, when I blew my nose, I somehow got...snot...in my eye. it was gross and it hurt and I was completely baffled.

This morning while pouring myself a bowl of cereal, I got a fucking fragment of frosted mini wheat (vanilla) in my eye!

I think from now on I'm going to buy soy...
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try vanilla soy milk, its delicious and didn't come from something's body.

and dude, you're a photography student, you HAVE to know someone with a mac....im a huge loser, and even i know people with macs wink
argh! iTunes has beavis and butthead! that's so fucking unfair...I suppose it's good though really...I want to use it in a music video anyway, and I can't find any way to convert iTunes video to something I can edit yet...but the minute I do...more cash down the proverbial drain.
you can't import something from itunes into final cut pro? it shouldn't be hard....im almost positive you just go to "file" and then "import" in FCP....let me know if that works. cos if it doesn't, i'm going to be all curious and weird until i can figure out how to do it ooo aaa
I really ought to stop spending money on stuff that doesn't relate to school or keeping myself alive...I promise myself every time I get a pay check that I'll onyl spend money on the essentials, then I buy four cds or something. mad Guess there's nobody to blame but myself. blackeyed
I talked to my photo instructor about my difficulties today and he said "You've had a month to do this" as if I haven't had other classes, a research presentation work in progress and other elements of the same assignment all due in the class as well, and as if I had actually chosen exactly what I was going to do four weeks ago. I...
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I got a message on my space from my ex-internet-girlfriend from 9th grade...
Every time I see someone playing an upright piano, they are playing selections from "The Lord of the Rings".

It turns out that the e-mail I got from "pay-pal" was actually a spoof, strangely enough my password was still changed, so I'm still not sure what's up.
be careful with paypal, there's been a lot of problems with hacking lately
Someone hijacked my PayPal account, I'm pretty pissed off, now I have to change all my passwords for anything I've ever bought something over the internet mad

Fuck you destroy_boy@sbcglobal.net and giant butt plug you rode in on.
Thank you so much for your comment on my set!!
kiss kiss kiss
happy valentines! xxx
I saw a black thong in the student center plaza today, I imagine there was some sociology student hiding in the bushing logging people's reactions. tongue
My roommate cleans things after he uses them, so my apartment smells like bleach right now... whatever
everything, from the stove, to the microwave, to the shower.
bleach his hair