From taystee


Thankyou fer the love on my set beautiful!  I got yer poster today, I fucking love it! Can't wait too hang you up on my babe wall♡

EEKk! yayyy :)

remarkable, extraordinary, staggering, incredible, impressive, outstanding, amazing, astonishing, marvellous,phenomenal, splendid, imposing, breathtaking, thrilling;informalmind-boggling, mind-blowing, out of this world, fabulous, fab, super, fantastic, tremendous;literaryWONDROUS


only the best for you in 2015 ... I hope the new year you will be pink <3<3<3 I wish you good health, love, happiness and lots of money <3<3<3


You gave good tattoos and are from Canada too? Awesome. I wanna go back to Montreal so bad, went there back in 2004-ish and was awesome. 

Montreal is amazing! Come visit!
I walked all around there when my friend was living there. His ex-girlfriend lived a few roads over from.... ARGH! What's the round called... It's the super long road that leads down to St Catherine's. There is a super huge hill that has a music venue on it, a Subway and a cool alternative music and clothing shop? On 2 floors? I also went to Les Foufounes Electriques on Halloween that year and it was awesome. I so wanna go back and it poss go to Toronto too. I'd gladly go back

Your the sexiest lady on here! By now you should be front page of suicide girls. Sawiinngggg! Keep it up gypsy!