So I just got back from the pub. The motherfucker who does the jukebox completely fucking hooked me UP!!!!! We now have DEVILDRIVER on the Jukebox. Along with a new PANTERA album. MEGADETH'S Greatest Hits!!!!. DANZIG 4, and after work tonight I will so fucking be there. He didn't put the SLAYER albums I requested but oh fucking well, beggers can't be choosers. I got...
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I want a jukebox in my house. That would rock. Too bad they are you know $1000's of dollars. I wanna know how the outing went with your girl? kiss spill the dirt
A new Pantera album? I thought they split up or something????

I AM! biggrin
Yeah it is smile Today I'll do some more packing and sorting of things that can be left behind.
It's nice to have something to do as well.

Hahaha bit clumsy innit?
Well, i'm about to jam out for awhile. I'm pretty fucking thrilled man. I just ordered a shitload of shit for my best girl's birthday. She wants to go to a strip joint on her birthday. She is BI and Yes I allow her chicks from time to time since I knew she rolled both ways when I met her. I found a guitar instructor...
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ok I'll respect that, after all I AM a closet Neil Diamond fan...sssshhhhhh! don't tell anyone.

I figured i'd get a much closer shave than I usually do when I am being porn star smooth. Well fucking knowing I have bad skin I fucked up and bought some hair remover for mine. WEll my fucking chest is on fire and slightly fucking blistering!!!! I guess I should have stuck with the razors. I bought a new guitar this morning in a...
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lol, ohhh dear. waxing hurts less babe and at least your skin won't freak out afterwards. Thanks for the compliment on the pics. The one you put up for your profile is my fav of the ones you sent me. I looked at it quite a bit the other night wink Anywho... Crissy's been over this weekend.. so I'll have to just talk to ya later. I love n miss ya!! kiss
I am not real big at screaming metal. And cookie monster shit. That is just me. I like my music a little more melodic and I love vocals and lyrics. That is the best part of the song to me. Yes those lyrics were great but I have never listened to a Kittie song and understood what the fuck that bitch was singing about. Everyone has their thing. That is what makes all unique. You are something. blush kiss
Fucking right now, i"m listening to Kittie and getting wild fucked up man......."Taking the long way hooommmmmeeeee, my heart still bleeds for you." Hard alchohol and beer and now I'm looking to get laid....LOL, that is the easy fucking part.........L8er...Aj
Well well well.. someone's feeling quite photogenic today. Nice pics dear. Hey.. speaking of pics did you check out the few I added to my random pics? I had a new shirt and necklace on and felt kinda decent looking.. I think you'll like. Anywho.. hell yea I know who loves me when she's not around. haha.. When I got off the phone with you she was like, "he calls you BABE?!?!?" and I was just like.. you told me to pick up my phone, I was just gonna let the voicemail pick it up, and besides we're just friends. It took her a few minutes to recoup, but her emotions were all the fuck over last night anyways. Anywho... I loves ya muchly. And I love the pics. Can't help it.. you're just a hottie. kiss

ttyl hun.

<3 your pretty penny
Kittie? Ok. Well I won't judge your music and you won't judge mine and we will be all good. LOL.
Back to work tonight. I drove into Hallam P.A. tonight to see my favorite Black Sabbath Iron Maiden cover band play. After them a KISS cover band went on. I'm not big into KISS band the band was pretty fucking great. You don't realize what real rock and roll is until your drowning in shit like the current music of today is. I just drank...
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I'm not fuckin whipped you fucker. My weekend.. Lets just put it this way... I started drinking at 8pm on Saturday then we went out with her motherfuckingbitchassho ex-gf. She ignored me.. which is good for her. I can't count the number of times I blew smoke in her face cause she's repulsed by smoke. Fuck her. I stopped drinking probably at like 4pm on Sunday after the hockey game was over. Yea, lol. I took my coffee with Bailey's right into that fuckin game. Crissy was a lil nervous about me smelling of Bailey's and I told her I didn't fucking care. She convinced me to stay there last night (ok, maybe I'm a lil whipped) and I ended up getting mad and sad and all that fucking shit and crying most of the night. Drove home this morning listening to NIN "Broken" album so loud my ears are still ringing. It woke me up though, and maybe it let out some aggression.. I dunno. It's one of their louder cd's (at least in my opinion). I smoked more cigarettes this weekend than I think I ever have in a three day period. But I don't fucking care. I cut myself Thursday, and I don't fucking care. Basically.... I wish that I could've just driven out to Lancaster fucking PA and left my current life behind. But we all know that's not gonna happen real soon, so... whatever. I love ya. Sorry for bitching just now. I'll ttyl hun.

<3 me.

ps.. at least I looked fucking hot Saturday night.. and today actually.
I dunno really, I'm not that good at labelling music :S

Ah, my bf says they play more like, Electro EBM and Techno music.
Quite danceable, that's the most important, but it's a weird place, don't think I'd go there again.
Christ I've been drinking like a motherfucker,even more than usual. I went out to the pub last night and ran into Harley and Amy. Plenty of fucking shots and heavy metal, as usual. Tonight is the " Steel" show. I'll most likely run out to Hellam to see them. Its about 20 of eight in the morning. I need to fucking crash I think...........L8er........AJ
You look like you're completely about to crash in your pic. Its all good though. I'm planning on going out to Canada tonight and having a good drunken time. I guess we're planing on going to some immature/hiphop/bump-n-grind type of shit straight club with a few of crissy's roommates. I told her I don't care where we go as long as it's in Canada so I can drink. And when I drink I like to make out... so she might have to take me to a gay club, cause she won't kiss me or let me grind with her in a straight one. Which I just think is fuckin stupid. Who the fuck cares if a few ppl look at us? Straight girls make out with each other too when they're drunk. But neways.. yea.. really hoping to get trashed. And I really want a new fuckin tattoo. Not sure where to get it though... I love the ones that go up the side of your body and follow your curves... but.. I don't really care for the curves I have there.. I think I might put "Quod me nutrit mi destrui" (I'd find the correct spelling for it of course) It's latin for that which nourishes me destroys me. Lemme know what ya think. I love ya.. and I'm off to watch some hockey today, so I'll probably be callin ya, or maybe I'll call you trashed tonight if I can get away from crissy at all. ya know who luvs ya kiss

<3 me
One more day and then its fucking time to party. I'm supposed to try out for some band but I'm not really into Nu Metal, it kind of sucks really. 50 fucking changes, eight different tempos in one song. Is it about music or showing off the talents of the fuckers playing it? I guess that is how I know this asshole is getting old....
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blush Thanks smile

Hahahahha! biggrin

Well it's mostly my own stuff, so unless your girl has the same sizes, there wouldn't be anything for you there...

But hell if you know anyone who could be interested, send them the link! smile

Have a good weekend! smile
Thank you for that wonderful compliment love! kiss blush kiss
So I'm supposed to go audition for this band on Saturday. It is the band of this guy I work with. They are a bunch of young guys. They sound great but they are into that, five million changes and six different tempos in one song band. While the band does sound great i"m not really into that shit. Its so Nu Metal that it...
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over here i just have to write a letter to say why i wont pay and usually it doesnt work. if they say that i still have to pay i will be. no court for me.

and the phone already ran out of waranty anyways but thanks for the headsup! biggrin x
Oh hush. I work as much as I can with my current job. And I'm not getting a second job. I'll be working alot more come summer time. Sorry it won't be like.. overtime every night like someone else.. but I should be working at least 40 hours a week. Plus still going to school. And yea.. I do get good grades, but not without killing myself over it. It's alot of fuckin work, and it stresses me out, even if I know that I'm smart and will probably get good grades. I'm not impervious to bad grades.. I got a D- in a class last fall.

Her ex is a girl.. a hockey playing girl. But I've never been in a fight, and I think jealous rage might help me through. I would fight dirty though, I know I would. haha. Cheap shots all over the place. I doubt it'll happen though.

I know you love fuckin around with me. I love ya anyways.. even if you might think I'm just young and like to complain. ttyl dear.

<3 me.
My jinx is so cute! No not been up to too much but still been really busy. I have loads of university work which is getting in the way of my great habits of drinking and listening to metal robot Hope you're doing well too smile x
You'd think I'd be nuts about cats. I'm a very cat-like person...my stepdad bought me a book of cat quotes, and crossed out all the c's and put k's. But I only like kitties and I could only handle one cat. A fixed cat, at that. And THIS Kat is definitely not fixed.
Well.. the piercing looked totally hot while it lasted. Just can't hack the pain huh? lol. Lemme know if I ever bug ya too much.. although I don't really think I have been. Can't help it.. I like the sound of your voice.. and I like knowin what you're up to. Not that I'm checkin up on you or anything.. you just know how I am. God I feel like a fuckin lil school girl with a crush. Oh well.. guess I'm allowed to feel young like that sometimes since I kinda tried (pretty successfully) to skip my childhood years. I think I'm rambling about nothing.. so I'll let ya go. Pretty soon I'm gonna have some good news for ya.. just so ya know. lol. Maybe I'll give ya a little hint... hm.... well, I went shopping and bought myself some hot lil things. Let your mind take you wherever you want on that one. lol. You know who loves ya. kiss ttyl dear.
I am definitely a tattoo girl. My body takes offense when I stick things in it and don't take them back out in a timely manner.
Do what you will with that last sentence...
ON the way to the fucking club. I've owned my spikes for 16 years. For some fucking reason they are the only things I've really ever held onto. Guess I'll have somethings to leave to my kids, ha ha, if I ever have any. I doubt that shit though. I like to come and go as I fucking please. And buying pills for her at...
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