I had a dream
I was in a crowded room of people watching the price is right when suddenly I had no pants and an erection. Everybody was staring at me as Princess Diana leaned over the back of the couch I was sitting on and gave me two soft strokes. All of a sudden I had this uncontrollable ejaculation which also produced an abnormally...
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The following comes from the thoughts I had today while in the shower...
next time you are taking a shower and the water is draining just a little to slow just stop for a second, step back out of the waters stream and stand still for a couple of minutes. watch the soap suds begin to gather into a big, white, glorious spiral just above...
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That is a really beautiful description. Sooo detailed!!! Do you write alot?
3 Dreams I had recently....
(1)Last night I dreamt of a giant map of the world, like those big cheesy colorful ones in your highschool history book. In this dream little pieces of the United States defected from our nation and joined Russia. Not just politically either, pieces of America literally broke off and floated over to Russia...If I have any psychic abilities I fear...
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bamboo and coconuts. you could make alot of awesome things out of that
wow... those are some pretty awesome dreams... ive noticed mine have been super violent lately, i wake up feeling like i didnt sleep at all and very confused...

bedroom furniture?? of all the things...