So over the last year a lot has changed, I got divorced from my wife of 7 years, bought a house, lost both my grandmothers, changed jobs and have been moving forward the best I can. After 4 years of arguing, stressing and feeling lonely in a relationship I finally left. Here's what has changed I am now primary custody of my daughter which is...
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It is to the point in my adult hood where I am almost frustrated with everything I was taught as a child:
Be an individual, work hard it will pay off, get good grades in school, go to college. I have done all of that and I'm still working at a dead end job that works with me to death and when I stand up...
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chin up buttercup. life isn't easy for everyone. for some people it's always rough. at least you have one thing (the most important thing really) going for you... a loving family and a big heart. hugs.