No drama in a week or so, thank goodness. I need a break from all of the drama around here. Hope everybody is planning on a great 4th of July. Nikki took Jeremiah for the day, so I have the whole day to myself. Much needed I might add.
Going to Lee's mom's house for lunch. Hot dogs and what not. And then meeting up with friends tonight for fireworks. I wish you were here.
Doe's the drama ever end? Around here, the answer would be hell and no. I don't know what it is going to take to get her away from him from good, but this is bad on her and bad on Jeremiah, and bad on me. It is so emotional and so stressful. He is in jail right now, but not because of us, but he...
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I just had a nice weekend with Adore and Mighty Dog, but damn I hate when she goes back home. Leaves me here in this hell of a life I lead. I guess I really need to consider moving.
Yes, you do. smile
Tonight Jeremiah wanted his daddy, so I called him up and found out he went to the hospital on Friday and they told him the upper and lower part of his heart aren't working. They didn't think surgery would be able to repair it. He goes to the cardiologist tomorrow to find out what and if anything can be done to save him. He already...
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this is just too sad.
happy birthday mother dearest!!!
What a stressful few weeks I went through. Cried rivers, and that from somebody who never cries. Any more stress in my life and I fear I may end up in the funny farm.

The good news is that I finally got Jeremiah potty trained. I didn't realize what a chore that can be, I can definately tell I am a hell of a lot...
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Parents always seem to have problems opening our eyes, especially when we need it the most. I'm sorry to hear about your daughter, she probably feels she's doing the right thing by staying with him.... If I wasn't married I would show your daughter how a woman should be treated.

I have two sisters - I always have had an "understanding" with their boyfriends. They know I have no problems speaking to my mom through two inches of plexiglass and a phone.

I wish there was something I could do - short of wearing orange for the rest of my life. You seem like an amazing woman. Stay amazing.

[Edited on May 28, 2006 4:19AM]
So Nicole got into college, which is a long way from when she was messed up with crack. Now if we can just get her away from her jealous boyfriend, things will be going great. Now both of my girls are in college, doesn't that make me feel good. smile smile
I just read Adore's journal. All I have to say is Wow! If all the mothers, or parents were as supportive as you, the world would be a lot better.

Congrats to a beautiful mother and her beautiful daughter. smile

You guys rock
I just read Adore's journal. All I have to say is Wow! If all the mothers, or parents were as supportive as you, the world would be a lot better.

Congrats to a beautiful mother and her beautiful daughter. smile

You guys rock
Last week was the week from hell, so I am only hoping that this week will be much better, as far as I am concerned it can't get any worse, or maybe it can, but I don't want it to.

I have learned that whenever things are going really good, bam, the dark clouds come rolling in.

Heres to a good week for everybody. smile
One more day and Adore will be here. smile
Happy Easter everybody
This time change is killing me, every day I oversleep, it's still dark outside and I guess I just keep hitting the snooze button.

Nikki and I went to the college yesterday to get her enrolled. She has to take a test next Wed. If she can pass this test, which is hard on her because of being dyslexic, then it will be a miracle...
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Sometimes life sucks more than others, like Friday night for instance. I'm at target and my shoe breaks so bad that I threw it in the trash can and walked barefoot. I get home and decide to throw a load of laundry in and I get locked out of the house, so there I am stuck in the hot ass garage trying to figure out...
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Finally...........................the weekend, I still have to work for a short while tomorrow, but at least it's not the usual shit. My job is getting stressful these days, and it used to be so much fun. What's wrong with fun? I liked it just the way it was and now I have had to conform.

What is up with this cold from hell? I had it...
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That's a lie! You totally know how to bake cakes! Like strawberry with chocolate frosting.