Those of you who have had the opportunity to love and care for a pet know that the responsibility is a treasure and a heartache. With the incredible love you share with them comes incredible heart break.
on New Year’s Day my pitbull, Jem, had to be rushed to the ICU for emergency surgery, she remained there for three days struggling to survive. I did everything the doctor asked. She was a fighter so we were going to fight with her. But then her little body just couldn’t fight anymore and we had to say goodbye to one another for the last time. This amounted to almost a staggering 20,000 in vet fees.
Two weeks later Jem’s sister, Eureka a cat, had a stroke and was also rushed to the same ICU where she stayed for two days. Eureka is terminal and now at home with me to live out her final days in comfort and style, surrounded by love. This vet visit came to a little over 3000 dollars.
As a pet owner I completely accept this responsibility and understand the commitment I take on financially and emotionally when caring for a pet.
I write this blog with vulnerability, admitting that it’s ok for me to admit that I can ask for help. My beautiful friend Carr set up a go fund me in order to raise a little bit of money to help cover some of the vet costs. If you would like to donate, share or just read more about Jem and Eurekas story, please click the link below.
Jem and Eureka
Thank you. ❤️