Ugh... up all night working again last night.

I love working from home.. but sometimes it is a serious pain in the ass.
It seems that when I need time for myself the most that I don't get the space I need.

Oh well... I get a long wknd... and I may go to New York for a while. Maybe that'll clear my head a...
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Well another weekend has come and gone...... damn this one was short
granted.. I did work almost all day sat... then slept for 13 hrs, hit an art museum.. multiple photographs (no actual shoots this wknd), saw the new Bond movie (FUCKING AWESOME), ate way too much italian food, drank waaaaay too much wine, came home.. bout to lose consciousness again...

Damn a manush dog...
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there's a new bond movie?? love
there is a new bond movie... and it is AMAZING!!!!!
Hooray for getting a Manush dog tonight.....
If you don't know what it is.... don't worry... maybe someday I'll introduce you to my buddy Manush and you too can have one of his amazing, life changing dogs
Thank you for the comment on my story, I appreciate it. Keep reading, I have a ton of them on the Erotica group.

Hey man, I'll keep an eye out for you at the meet and greet.
So yea... I'm feeling a bit pathetic at the moment... I've been in the DC area for almost 9 months now... and I just realized that i have only made about 3 friends.
Its a real bitch just cause in FL (where I was before accepting and quitting my job up here..... long story) I had tons of friends and was always out doing something.......
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