good news for all the ladies out there, come the new year i'm going to try my hand at modeling. why you ask.....well why not xp

in more short term news two weeks today i'll be heading to canada. can't wait to get over there and experience it. plus a few people have told me the canadian ladies are something to look forward to. especially...
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LOL, yup. We still get a few WoW fan boys in TOR chat talking about how WoW is better. I just tell them to go back to WoW. I really think the only reason they feel like WoW is better is because they spent the last 6 years of their life becoming the top dog, and they automatically assume any other MMO sucks because now they have to start at the bottom again. blush
ello there, and welcome to my life over the past month update.

so as i'm doing this training course i live with a host family during the week which is kind of awesome. i'm in another town across the country away from everyone that knows me, so i can be a new person...and it's working out well so far. i've met some really cool people....
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interesting things are finally starting to happen. so August is going to be a fun time. i get to do a training course for 10 weeks in N.Ireland but then.. then i get to go to Canada for 6 weeks work experience. i actually can't frigging wait. granted i'm going as part of a group and can't really do my own thing too much but...
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Hey thanks so much for the lovely comment on my set!
I have got to be the most boring person on Earth. This no job thing is really starting to grind on me a wee bit but that'll hopefully be sorted out pretty soon.
On the up side starting in July I'm making a big push in the field of Photography. Was talking to a guy who runs a small gallery/studio space who seems to like...
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fuk i need a job too ... bt i love photography....got some pics?
great! go on! photography is beautiful
i'm starting to think i need to quit smoking. i mean i was never addicted to it, although i did enjoy it but now i just smoke to pass the time....and get me away from all the couples in my life for 5 minutes. only thing stopping me though is the fact that i don't care if i stop or not....and lets face it smoking...
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really thanks for u support on my new set
it's 5:20am, i haven't slept. just watched the last series of Doctor Who and i'm far to excited for the new series!!! i really need a time machine to skip forward a few weeks xp
i am now the proud owner of a pretty bass guitar. only a cheap, second hand one mind but hell if it gives me something to do i'll love the hell out of it. already learnt how to play a blink song so i'd say i'll at lest get something else in my head by weeks end.

in saying that though i have a metric...
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SPOILERS! (Click to view)

i think i've hit the emotional wall. for years i've been good at suppressing my 'darker' emotions but as of late it's been getting harder. the blocks i've set up seem to be breaking on a regular basis and it's happening around my housemates. they've actually told me i scare them sometimes haha. although thinking back i have to say i...
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it really has been awhile since i've done anything......watch this space. somethings going to happen ^^
what a past couple of days. i swear they might be the best of my life so far.
first up was friday night which involved crystal castles (a fucking indescribable show of awesomeness) , and 3 hours of dancing to dub-step, DJ-ed by team fresh, which was fucking unreal. and to top it off i got a signed door sign and crystal castles and got...
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right so i was walking down the street the other day and in the window of oxfam i found the most epic things ever. it was the ink spot grestest hits on vinyl. for those of you who love fallout you might know these guys. so that was on thursday. since then me and my house mates have bought a vinyl player and i raided...
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Thank you so much for your support and love for my first set The Pink Suite! It really means so much to me kiss
i do believe life is slowly falling into place. very slowly xp