Crush on this!

Why is it so easy to fall for someone?

Why is it that when the first foot crosses the ledge and you begin to descend into the pit of lusty desire, do you look for anything to grab onto to help justify your attraction to that person? Maybe it turns out they like some of the same bands, or maybe they live...
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I thought it was impossible, but yeah, they went up a cup size over the last 6 months. Stupid boobs.
Excellent post. I kinda feel the same way. I see so many interesting people on this site that I want to get to know better. It doesn't help that the single ones like to post journal entries like this one, in which you can't help but think that you are a good match. It sends my head in circles, but I eventually shake it off and move on.

My advice: Avoid the crush instinct. It only leads to pain. I know this from experience. Recognize when you might be (or are) attracted to someone, and reach out to them in subtle, friendly ways. Reply to their comments. Post to their journal entries. Don't go overboard. Reach out with no expectations, and people will reach back.

f a member has it in her profile that she likes funny men, I find myself trying to be more funny to somehow win points in her favor

Word of advice: They all say that, so don't beat yourself up too much with that one. smile

I made an artist page on myspace under Vanaver. You might have to walk me through a couple things.

First question- How do i copyright my music?

#2- How do i put my song into the right format to upload?

[Edited on Mar 15, 2005 1:21PM]
Ok...i found a converter

1: Do you have trouble uploading songs? Does it take awhile to show up on the profile? I uploaded and it was successful...but then a message said sorry error has occured and it will be mentioned to the staff.

2: How do I fill in the "About" section? I can't find it for the life of me.
In the Age of Prohibition

Oh boy....

I'm wiped. Went out last night to see two shows, one in the city and one in Oakland, both friends' bands. Met some cool people. Met some girls. wink Had some drinks. Had some more drinks. Came back home with some friends and proceeded to have... yes, even more drinks. Man, I haven't got that drunk in at least...
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Mmmmm... pizza rolls!

yep, im going to qotsa and mastodon. im a lucky girl. i listened to some of that velvet teen. thanks for the recomendation! sounds good! looks like they are gonna play @ bottom of the hill later next month. i may have to check them out.

cheers! try not to puke .

[Edited on Mar 13, 2005 8:05AM]
hey! long time... i *finally* got around to checking out some music and picked up deloused... wow! not what i expected at all, but awesome. sorta freddy mercury meets led zep and king crimson. but more now. later when no one is sleeping i'm going to crank it.
When the trophy is presented, make sure there's a kitten in it. I'll only accept it if there's a kitten.
Oh my! That "stop clown porn" site is funny! biggrin
"la petite mort"

maybe the sex they're having is really crap.

nice milk carton!
Lost in Tranlsation
Imagine two people conversing with each other, one in Italian, the other in Spanish. Both being Romance languages, some words and meanings would get through, others would be slightly understood and probably interpolated into a semi-functional meaning, and others would be lost entirely. In essence, a conversation between these two would have mediocre results, but the overall meaning would be intact..... in...
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That was funny.
I guess i should make a band profile huh. Do you have one?
Emery 66
... is the name of my recording studio in Emeryville, CA
And I am theSpotlessMind, a procrastinating ass-hat, who left a high-paying programming job, with the intent of using that $300-a-month studio, full of high-end recording equipment, to record two albums worth of new material -- which would hopefully go on to amass a ton of money and a large and loyal following...
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I know how it is. Inspiration gets harder to find as time goes by. What i need is someone to work with. Someone who has a similiar goal that he wants to achieve musically. Too bad we live so far away. We could probably work together.

Stay in there brotha man. Keep that head up. Put down that pizza down and pick up a guitar. Stop laying on the couch and sit yourself down behind your kit. Scrub all your faults, erase the unnecessary tracks, and compress that spotless mind. There is a person who's waiting to be changed by your music.

i like your profile and your journal. and just in case you werent kidding, i wrote a summary of my treatise on pop culture, porn SG and the internet. you can find it here
Revised Basic Needs
Ok, it's official. SG has now become a basic human need for me, like food, water, shelter, sleep, etc.

But it seems to have taken priority over food, since I'm hungry as fuck right now, and I know there's food in the kitchen a few feet away, yet I can't draw myself away from this site for even a minute to go...
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Haha I love your favorite bands answer, SG has been really bad for me in the same kind of sense as you except that instead of playing guitar and writing and stuff I'm on the site, eventually I hope it will wear out though lol and also thanks for the compliments blush
I recall seing a lot of your posts on the board and because you seem very cool, you're a musician and I like witty people I've decided to send you a friend request!

take care!
You take your car to work, I'll take my board
"I'm going surfin', I'm going surfin'!". Well kinda.

Going to see Nada Surf and The Velvet Teen together at a NoisePop show at the Great American tonight! Woo hoo! I've never seen Nada Surf before, but their album "Let Go" amazes the fuck out of me, so I can't wait. And The Velvet Teen, even...
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Can I call you Danny my man-bitch then?
Hey, thanks man! I actually just had my first set accepted for SG, so you'll be seeing it one of these days. I'd tell you who with, but then I'd have to kill you. wink

Meanwhile, here's a set I did for the uber-awesome KaliDoom that you can check out in the Hopeful's group.
The Single Life
Most people can name things that are good and bad about being single, and alternately, good and bad things about being in a relationship. But generally, no matter what situation you're in, when you're busy and off doing your thing, whether it be work, school, or taking out the trash, you don't tend to dwell on either the good or the bad...
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Well I understand how you feel although I am not single. I'm just in that terrible place called "the end" and it seems to be taking forever.

Granted I can't move out because of our finances and that is dragging it out. But the loneliness of living with someone you once loved and knowing that their love for you just wasn't enough is more painful than living alone.

It makes me really wonder about who I am and why I seem to always drive people away.
I don't know if 1000 clowns are still making music, honestly I've only ever heard two of their songs. "kitty kat max" and "not the greatest rapper" and that's because they actually sent k.k.m. to a college radio station i used to listen to.
When you were here before,
Couldn't look you in your eye
You're just like an angel,
Your skin makes me cry
You float like a feather,
In a beautiful world

I wish I was special
You're so very special

But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here

I don't care if it hurts,
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I like that song. Never knew half the words though, I must have sounded like an idiot when singing along.. smile

It's funny how when my sister dropped the cat off, she told me how much he hates pictures, and that I wouldn't get any good ones. I have over 40 now.. biggrin
I sing when I'm alone.. If I miss a word or two.. I laugh at myself. When singing in groups, if they're not loud enough, I don't sing because my voice was not meant for singing. At all. But I haven't broken glass yet! biggrin
Disappearing Acts
D'oh, a thread I started just got zapped (I won't bother to mention what it was titled or about). I thought it was innocent enough. I wasn't trying to cause any harm by it. But I respect the mods decision to erase it. Damn, they're fast on that too. It was gone within the first page.

I wish I had an ability to...
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Well I speak mandarin but with a Taiwanese accent because that's where I learned it. I lived there for a few years when I was a teen and my mother was teaching ESL.

It made me get all funny in my tummy hearing you'd miss me.

i think we both agree that sg is like crack.
sooo good
except crack isnt really good... and i havent really done crack atleast that i remember.. but i'm sure i totally have. Seeing as I can't remember! haha. ok i need to shush
see i need that magic eraser too. You WERE talking about a magic eraser right?

thanks for the link! I like the sound. I would like to listen to more so one day when i have a job I'll buy their album. smile