Oh my god it's so cute I'm gonna die!!!!!!!

Thank you @visionsofed !!!!!!

Oh, you got it. Yeah!!!! You are very Welcome @sugarcunt
Ooooh, those should be in the US soon(tm).

Absolutely adorable ❤❤❤❤❤
So this is THE MOST adorable thing EVER!

I have a doctors appointment on Monday to talk about my meds. I'm hoping to find a better combination that wont effect my moods and weight so much. I have been trying to loose weight for a few years now. I have tried many things to loose weight. Diets of all kinds, working out for hours in the morning and evening and its really no...
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Have you had your thyroid checked?  Maybe worth checking on as well.  I understand wanting to lose weight, but please don't forget you're a gorgeous lady.  
Thank you :). Yes i have had it checked. I'm taking meds for it even though they think nothing is wrong. I don't really know how I feel about that anymore either. 

Well it turns out the house I’m dog sitting at has internet but does not have wifi. So I’m wired in lol. My laptop for the time being is now a desktop lol. I have a 15 foot cable though so I’ll see if I might try to make it into the living room. For now I’ll just sit in the kitchen and feel like...
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You could always take the wireless router from your house and plug it into their network. The router will automatically configure itself on their network so basically it's plug and play. If you need any help, let me know.

Hello all who read these things I post :P

This Wednesday to Saturday I will be dog sitting and will not have access to the internet. Why you ask? Well this couple is older and don’t have any use for wifi -________________________- ugh. But its cash :) plus I love animals and I get to play with the dog. So I shall be back on...
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The cause for my headaches and such has yet to be determined. I’m going to see an ear, nose, and throat specialist tomorrow. Hopefully he will have some answers. If not I will be sent off to a neurologist. Which sounds really scary. I mean I don’t really want confirmation that there is something really wrong with my head.

Usually I have the pain throughout...
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It's downright criminal how our healthcare is dictated by the insurance companies, not our doctors.  My wife has chronic pain, fibro, headaches and is currently in the hospital for manlnurishment and a massive ulcer so I can sympathize with what you're going through.  Hopefully things have been improving for you. @};-
I hope they figure out what's going on soon! Feeling terrible sucks to begin with, but not knowing what's going on makes it so much worse. 

Well I guess my blog about being better was premature. I had to go back to the dr today because my lovely headache has returned. So now I’m back on antibiotics and I have two new pills to try and help with the pain. So far I don’t think the ones for pain are helping. My dr also wants me to have a CT scan....
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I'm feeling tons better today. I was able to spend 90% of the day on my feet actually doing things. I even got to work out. My back was better about 3 days ago but I had a migraine that wouldn’t go away. I went to the doctor and found out I have a major sinus infection. So since Monday I haven’t really been able...
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Well I have no idea what I did to myself but I have been laid up for 2 daysnow with a messed up back. It still kinda hurts to sit up. But what makes this really awful is that I can’t stand up. When I stand up I get a pounding throbbing head ache. I’m better today than I was yesterday. I’m hoping by tomorrow...
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Hope you mend quickly!

My car is all done being broken. It turned out to just be some leaky hoses and I needed a new battery. So I am again able to roam about the outside world :D

be careful out there....zombies. 

Well my car is in a shop and will be there until Tuesday since it’s a holiday weekend. At first I thought my transmission was going out but it seems I had some leaky lines. So those have been fixed but now I have to take it to a different place because the engine is still running really rough so they have to run a...
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So here a little update on my life.

I have returned to the night shift. I am super super excited. Instead of working three 12 hour shifts and one 4 hour shift I’ll be working two 8 hour shifts and two 12 hour shifts. My said she like that schedule very much. I hope I like it too. I’ll be on this shift for four...
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