I kind of want to eat all of you. Rawr.

I mean...


I mean.

You know how first drafts go. Random words that go all kfjcjlksdsd together!


Are you writing one for Nanowrimo and if so, what's your Nanowrimo handle?
All Hallows

All is hallowed.
Exult in life;
meditate on death,
Think of sunlight reflected by the moon.

All is hollowed.
Every fortress is also a prison.
Life begins with breathing in,
Life ends with breathing out.

All is hallowed.
Take nourishment.
Bite. Tear. Swallow.
Violence is inherent to sustenance.

All is hollowed.
Destroy leaf and flesh.
Leaf made leaf and flesh made flesh.
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Mhmm. I like. Thank you, darling.
I bite.
And bind the flesh,
And crack the whip,
my red flowers blossom
on their skin,
I feast,
tender breasts,
roasted rumps,
juicy to bursting,
on my chin,
throat, fingers.
Soft bodies, yielded to me
with sweet words,
"I am yours."
We partake in the sacrament
"This is my body,
which is given up for you."
But archers line the battlements
of their well-defended...
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Happy birthday to me!

Festoons began yesterday! I had a beautiful day with my wife, full of long walks, and poetry, and time travel and affections! And then I had a beautiful night with my girlfriend filled with deliciously chaotic music and ridiculous dancing in the Chicago streets with post-apocalyptic bunny creatures and gypsies, unexpected encounters and tasty treats and more affections. (I feel so...
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Belated Happy Birthday dude!
I do not often write to media types or what not, but recently I felt compelled to respond to Mark Morford's fabulous column. See it here:


Here's what I said:

Good morning Mr. Morford:

It does happen.

I thought I would let you know.

People snap and commit radical acts of kindness.

For example:

1. My cousin left her home despite having the flu,...
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Pieced this together based on an email to a friend, as it summarizes this rather well.

This weekend I attended a regional Burning Man event called "Lakes of Fire." Kind of a mini-Burning Man, which is this: Burning Man. This is our third year attending this event, which lasts four days. It's really wonderful to see people of all ages and from all walks...
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Nice smile that's awesome that you have an open marriage and that it's working out well for you, gives me hope for my future relationships.
Sounds amazing! I miss Burning Man, I haven't had the time or money these past few years. But so it goes

Glad the open marriage situation worked out and I'm glad you had a great pre-burn smile
I found this in a dank and dusty corner of my hard drive the other day. It's something I put together on facebook as one of those "tagging" games, you know ... the ones where someone tags you in an note and then you are supposed to answer the same questions.

Well this one caught on (I didn't start it.). Eventually, I (and others) were...
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Thank you. And thank you for being my friend, and a dear one at that. And a sexy one at that. Rower.
Thanks, Sir! Love the hat ^^
I just realized that I am a shameless flirt. I am honestly quite surprised.

What's something you learned about yourself recently?
of course! kiss
I have a lot more self control than I ever thought I did.
Perhaps there are truly no limits to how much we can love. I hope that is true. It would be so beautiful.
what a sweet thing to say. i hope it's true too.
The first way to earn respect is to be honest. This includes not only telling the truth, but keeping your word--following through with what you said you would do.

The second way is to conduct all your personal business while astride a big fucking elephant. Refer to the elephant frequently during the course of such business. For example, "Pardon me for being late, but I...
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I need to so an AC/DC mashup video of this idea. "Excuse me sir, but your pachaderm has pooped on my face."
"You've been....Thudertruuuuuuuunked!"
Wow. I need to go to bed. That was...wow. skull lol
HAHAHAAHAHA! You are delightful!
I just realized that my old profile from years ago is still up. I wonder if there is some way to consolidate them so as to re-associate myself with my elder blogs and testimonials and such.

Here are some random pictures of me in case any of you would like to see them:

This is my head. This photo was taken on a pirate ship....
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Thank you so much, honey. It means a lot!