Getting quite close to being able to land an aerial, just have to break that last minute fear.

You can see the video here if you're interested:


I love going down to the gymnastic area near the Santa Monica pier. There's always something fun going on.

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Kinda crazy, ABC News has listed our Hobby Lobby satire amongst it's "Most Controversial Super Bowl Ads of the Past 5 Years":


Perfect timing as we have a brand new batch being released for this year's Super Bowl!


Been in the process of producing a pilot for TruTV. It's a pretty bizarre show, kinda loving the hell out of it but we'll see if it ever makes it to series.

Currently fully into post, managed to wrap up all of our production yesterday.

All in all been having way too much fun.

Figured i'd do an IG dump here and give anyone who...
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Hahaha! This looks like it will be pretty awesome >.<

Been playing for awhile with designing a tattoo I want.

This is still a rough concept, want to find a talented tattoo artist in LA to help improve upon the design. Think it'd make a pretty solid shoulder piece.

Was inspired by the work of the extremely talented @craola (definitely check him out on IG)

And also from this panel from one of the latest
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Been up to all sorts of shenanigans as of late, working on a pilot for TruTV, shooting DIY Cat Toy videos for Friskies and have a digital series for TBS I'll be producing next year. Been a lot of work but a ton of fun. Anyhoo, figured I'd do an instagram dump and chuck a bunch of photos on here.

Doodled this while on the...
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Been making a series of 8bit art for the Machinma series I'm editing Dr. 1Up. Check it out:


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This guy "napped" like this for easily 30 minutes. It was pretty amazing:

Been playing inFamous, game kicks ass. Also Glazed Donut Bread Pudding from BSweet is just about one of the most insane things I've ever put in my mouth.

Stairways to nowhere. Or the hospital if you're the committed type:

Kick ass Ninja Mug, Shuriken Coaster, and Spoon set, birthday present from my
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Spent the day at the beach finishing up my design and doing some reading.

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This is coming a bit late, but I put out this satire on the whole Hobby Lobby nonsense.

It really is just sad and disturbing how rampant the ignorance over women's health and issues has spread.

So hey, why not have a laugh instead?



Had this idea awhile ago, finally got around to starting it. Planning to finish it up over the weekend. Might do a set of TARDIS shoes next.


This is a bit late in coming but I had a freakin blast at SDCC 2014. First Con I've ever been to and it was amazing. Honestly a little overwhelming in how much there was to see and do. There were so many panels I wanted to go to but didn't have the time or they conflicted with panels I was already attending (Missed the...
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Found these great old photos of my grandma, figured I'd share.

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All respect for your grandma! :O