I did open mic night last night along with my fellow band mates. The first few songs we did sounded so good. Later on that night we played a few more but we'd had quite a bit more to drink. I don't think we played them as well, but thankfully the rest of the crowd had also had more to drink. They really got into...
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You know whats cool.... i finally feel like maybe dating again.

I have no one in mind, and i feel like i'm gonna be picky as hell, but this is a good feeling. For the past little while i haven't even wanted to fuck anyone. I've been content just sleeping in everyday, drinking lots of coffee and just taking care of those sexual urges myself,...
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Thanks for the love on my set. I aim to please and it looks like I managed to do my job hehe wink
Thanks for the love on my set Dee Ess Eye Hope you have a great weekend smile

Yesterday was one of the best days of my life.

Started out actually sleeping in till 10am. Which for me, is late. With my normal work schedule i'm up around 7 am, and even during the summr when i don't have to be awake that early, i still seem to get up around that time. So, sleeping till 10 was nice.

I got ready and...
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So the travel bug bit the hell out of me. I don't have enough money saved up for much of a trip, so i think i'm just going to take a drive. No set destination, just drive. If i have places to stay on the way to wherever that would be great, but at the same time i'm not too worried about it.

So, if...
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Those trips are the best kind! Hope you have a good adventure.
Well, my band just played another show last night. Probably one of the best shows we've had. I used my drum kit which has a much louder, and better sound than the one i was using. Our guitarist, John, used the giant Orange amp. I don't know why we haven't used that in a show. Our basist, Greg, is trying to sell it so he...
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So its summer time. This means i don't have to work at the school till late august. So i have now picked up a third job. I'm working at this small cafe/bar called guadalupe cafe. I mainly work in the kitchen, but i'm kind of the call guy. Anytime someone calls out they call me, and i guess they liked me enough that they asked...
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Good luck Boy-o.
There's nothing wrong with that. I was bouncing off the walls at the thought of going to see the movie before it was released. I loved my transformers when I was little and am still that dork today.
like it... a lot! biggrin
Thanks for the coment on my set The Assistant. I really appreciate it. The support means a lot to me.
So heres the plan. I'm in a punk band and we've been playing more and more shows. If we can get enough money saved up and if our van will make the trip we are going to do a road trip and play as many nights as we can. We are thinking about starting in Asheville, NC, then heading to the Raliegh/Duraham, NC area. Hopefully,...
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Good luck! Sounds super fun smile Plus> Summer is the perfect time to make it happen. DO IT!!
After years of wondering what to do with my life, i think i've finally figured it out.

I want to own my own bar. Just a simple classic bar.

Cheap drinkable beer, liquor shots, peanuts, pretzels and mustard, maybe a couple pool tables, rock and roll music playing the whole time, live music every now and then.

I think i would actually like to do...
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That sounds wicked exciting!
Thanks for the love on my new set kiss
Today is my last day of vacation time. Gotta go back to work tomorrow, and i'm dreading it. I've enjoyed at least having the option of sleeping in, even though sleeping in for me is 9 or 10 o clock.

I'm excited about this comming saturday. My band is playing a gig in asheville, nc. If you live close by you should stop by and...
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i really hope the gigs go well-im in a band too so i know how all that is lol
Fucking insomnia
Thought i was getting over this shit, but here i am, awake since 2:30ish
Guess i'll watch some cartoons and hope the sleepiness comes back to me
I can't imagine what insomnia must be like.
Do you take sleeping pills?