Last post, how much can my boss screw me? A lot. My two week paycheck was $306. WTF?! Normally I wouldn't bother posting exactly how much, but that's fucking ludicrous.

So I want to read American Gods. And hearing the summary gave me an idea of a story where a man finds out that he is the incarnation of a nascent god...based on the American...
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Last post? That sucks.

Thanks for the comment.....ramen and or oatmeal equally sucks but is so damn cheap you can't help but buy it.
What a dick! That really sucks....I hate dealing with bosses or people in general like that!

Thanks again! Now that the show is up I'm being a really horrible painter and taking a few days to hang out way to late and drink too much beer. Egh.
Hi guys.

Rainbow is really cool.

When I get stressed out, I get canker sores. It really blows because I can't eat anything for almost two weeks sometimes. I never got them this much before I started working for this asshat I work with now. I'm on the search for a new job. I'm on it like white on rice.

I gamed last night. It...
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sweet! biggrin Is it horde or alliance? Probably horde. I've noticed most SGs and members play horde. lol
I play a troll warrior...and I just made a BE DK... >.> I wanted to make something else but I've played too many undead and trolls and I refuse to play tauren. hahaha
I'm hanging out a lot with an old friend from way back. She's a gamer, so it's refreshing to be able to hang out with someone and be a total geek. Been working a lot too. I need the money to fix my boat of a car. Poor girl's got some bad battery cables. Last but not least, I'm going to hardcore level my Tauren...
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Alright guys...should I go for the shy girl, the preppy girl, or the punky girl? I actually have choices. smile
good for you on your promotion and showing up the asskisser!
go for the girl who understands you the most, and still likes you.
Well, I got my laptop up and running and got the cable modem switched upstairs to my room. I'm paying for it after all. So I'm back online. It's been a long time. I've missed all my friends at SG, especially the ones around Rocktown and Chicago. And of course, the girls. God bless hot naked punk rock girls. love love

How is everyone?
I'm back. New laptop came in from Dell. Going out to buy a router tomorrow. Communications will be restored forthwith.
Thank you, thank you very much! wink
hello. smile

congrats on the new laptop.
I met a girl who is the definition of awesome. We're just friends, seeing as how she's engaged to somebody, but I still love to hang out with her. I met her at work, and the two days we worked together were the most fun I've had at this job that I never even planned to keep beyond when I could find another one. Then...
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oh yeah, making out like a teenager is the best!
Bitches ain't nothin' but tricks and hos.- Snoop Dogg.
Blackula.... spectacula. Blackula....bust atcha.
yeah. women are crazy.
I'm still having fun in Orlando. Spider-Man 3 kicked total ass today. I'm coming back to Illinois on the 17th, getting up enough money to move, and then heading either back down here or out to LA. It's definitely time for a change of scenery.

In related news, why do people have to be illogical douchebags when you count on them to be just the...
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Why are 90% of the places that want an interview with me, all sales jobs? Douche bags. FUCK SALES.
It could be worse, every job I could get here is waitressing pretty much. Sales jobs > restaurant jobs.
Well, I'm here in sunny Orlando with some friends. The plan is to stay until I get a job and then be able to rent my own room. I don't know if that'll happen, I've only got a couple hundred bucks on me at the moment and I don't want to wear out my welcome, so I guess it just matters how hard I look...
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Been playing Star Wars KOTOR II lately. It is the awesome. Got it for the PC, and as soon as I have enough money to buy an old XBox, I'm totally getting that one and the first one. The game, for the uninitiated, allows you to assume the role of a disgraced Jedi Knight on his path to redemption and to saving the endangered Jedi...
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