Day 5

Well I'm just about to crunch this entry right before day 6 will start. I will have to admit, I have been sucked into Fable III and so I have that to blame for such tardiness. Bah, but you know it's fine. I got most of my daily stuff finished and I'm due for the R&R.

None the less, nothing much to report....
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Day 4

It's Saturday. Such great weather I'm currently experiencing over here in the northwest. Sun shining down as clouds aren't gathering together to rain on anyone's good spirits. Had some dinner with friends last night and overall experienced some great bonding. Watched some Japanese comedy stunt show very classy I might add.

Gaki no Tsukai was the title of the Batsu Game or "Penalty...
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Day 3

Well this is surely moving along nicely. Currently rocking 2 friends throughout my journey on SG. Which is nice, no complaints here. Better then zero any day, as I laugh in silence within my apartment.

None the less, I have been cruising through some SG sets and giving my two cent compliments while "loving" them. Mhmm, also had to check out the old...
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Day 2

So here we are. Day 2 already. Well I made myself quite comfortable here in SG. The groups are a treat as I have placed a footprint in several groups here and there. More around the Video Games front then anywhere else. Always quite the thrill to talk shop about our favorite this and that.

Hmm, I'm beginning to grow on some of...
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So let's talk about music shall we?

I'm going to try something new with this whole blogging thing here in SG. Now I know I won't get as much pop here then I would on the Tumblr grounds. But you know, I could come back to these posts and think, "Shit, I was sure right!" or the "Well, I guess I was really wasted when...
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Day 1

I intend on trying to at least say something per day. Kind of bullshit really since I know the unsettling figment of not keeping up will creep on by. That or I know coming September when I go to PAX 2013, I'll completely forget the 4 days I'm gone.

But you know, I'll test my might and at least keep up for the...
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