Holy shit. Not only did I pass, but I made two A's and a B worth of passing! GPA is back up to 3.625 and your resident wookie (of the raging variety) is floating on a cloud. Who wants to come party with me? We're gonna keep going till the break of eternity! Or... until the next semester starts. Whichever comes first...

Edit: Here's a...
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Congrats on the grades buddy! 
Thanks, man! I'm already bouncing off the walls waiting for next semester. Public Speaking, Photoshop II and something else I don't remember. Ha ha

Woo! My third semester is over! I get a whole month off, then its back to the grind. Already can't wait to start back. In the meantime, I know I passed all my classes already. I just don't know the specific grades. Which is fine. Nothing can get me down at this point! So, after the work week is over, its time to party! I'm...
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Honestly, I'm probably going to be in pain this whole break. My little sister wants to start working out again. She's a slave driver, I tell you!
Baaa ha ha !! My ass is dragging today! Way over did it yesterday! 

Sorry, I keep talking about this. I'm pretty sure I've brought up this subject A LOT in the last week. My friends are getting tired of hearing it. Ha! Anyway. I'm going to be MIA for the next week and a half or so. I'm trying to give my final projects the attention they need (and succeeding, kind of) so I can pass the semester!...
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Happy Turkey Day, sexy people! I'm so very thankful to have all of you in my life. Hope today fills you with all your favorite foods and leaves you full, content and too lazy to risk wading the throngs of consumers willing to risk your life for $5 off a jacket that will be 50% off a week before Christmas. Mucho love to you all!...
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Back at ya bro! 

Its 2 in the morning and no homework done yet. Doesn't help I'm surfing SG... and blogging... and can't remember exactly what I was supposed to do to begin with...

My notes aren't helping, obviously. Why the hell would I be helpful to myself? And there's no guidelines on Moodle for the project, that's due tomorrow... er... ten o'clock this morning, because my teacher is...
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Whoa! *blows dust off blog* Gah! The mites! They are in my lungs! It buuuuuurrrrrrrnnnnnnsssssss! *coughing fit*

Hey guys! It's been a LOOOOOOOOOONG while, hasn't it? I sorry. First it was school getting in the way. Now it's just work. I'm making an effort to become addicted to you again, promise!

Anyway. Nothing new has been happening in my boring ass life. On Summer break....
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It's that time again! New blog post time! Woohoo! I'm not nearly drunk enough for this, but I'm working on it, promise! This will probably be a short one too... Hrm...

So what's up, kids? I'm finally over being sick. Which is great news, btw. I can finally go out into the world and be all that I can be again!

Been drawing a whole...
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Whew! It's been a bit hasn't it? I can tell you guys the truth and say I've been busy with work and school (read: the "life" excuse), or I can make up some random, crazy-assed lie like... I've been slaughtering dragons and sexing bitches and looting like a BAMF. So go with the latter, if you will? ARRR!!!

And I have been super sick the last...
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Hey, kids! How're y'all doin? Just a real quick update and you can go back to your regularly scheduled SG perusal.

I made a discovery this past Saturday night. 100 proof Captain makes my fingers magic. I will leave it to your own, undeniably vast and incredibly creative imaginations to figure out.

I made a new pic that I think you all will enjoy, as...
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I know there are plenty of taboo subjects out there. And I know that employers tend to forbid talk of some, if not all, of those taboo subjects to keep an orderly workplace. This, though, blew me out of the water.

Can anyone tell me why someone would put down his dogs (both male) because they were humping each other? A few of my coworkers...
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