Man I've always been so bad at doing this blogs. Really need to start forcing myself to sit down and write these things.

Last Friday I went downtown and had a few drink with Fenchurch, her husband and one of my buddies who lives down there. Had a dinner (best shepards pie I've had in years!) and a drink or two before heading back...
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yeah. i really just want to be healthier.
I have terrible endurance and it would be nice to not feel winded from light running.
plus losing weight would be nice smile
Was my one year anniversary at work today and it turned out to be a totally crap day. Brought doughnuts to work figuring I would do something nice because I was sure they would have a lunch or something for me right? Yeah. not a chance. Instead I spent the entire day being micromanaged by my boss who decided to suddenly take an interest in...
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Not sure but I'm sure as hell considering just banning all the execs from any treats I bring in...
Mos def smile

Man I can't wait to see Thor...
I'm been sitting at my computer for nearly an hour trying to figure out how to start in about last night and I'm still not sure what to say. Had an SDSG/Chatter gathering last night that was a blast. Drinking at the Proper Gastro Pub and then over to Eden for dancing and a good time for all.

I might add more after I've gotten...
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Sounds like a sweet time! I love SG gatherings!
Yea we need not to share more wink ps it was nice to "meet" you smile
It's been a long week and it's not even half over yet... Thought I lost my wallet and was an hour and a half late for work looking for it. Turns out the sneaky bastard was hiding just on the other side of my computer chair. Don't I feel like an idiot now? The only good pieces of news is that my new mouse showed...
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My laptop got here today!!!! biggrin

I'm so excited to finally have a laptop again. My last one overheated so badly that the soldering inside the thing actually melted in some places. Just wasn't worth repairing anymore so I finally gave up on it and haven't had a laptop for almost two years. Mostly going to be using this thing for doing photo shoots and picture...
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Blah blah blah shit about work here.

In good news I bought my new laptop today! It'll be here on the 30th so I wont have to sit at my computer all the time. Sitting in a chair for nearly 20 hours a day is really starting to take it's toll... Also I'll be able to take it with me when I go to Canada...
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well my aunt is also coming to stay in the free room... and she wants to bring my 16 year old cousin to baby sit at night while we baby sit during the day.... I haven't been to vegas since i turned 21.... so maybe i should go. but I guess i just don't want to end up taking care of my drunk cousin, which is what i'm afraid will happen

also... new laptop!
I need one of those.
maybe next year.
Well today was both good and bad.

Went to traffic court and had a judge confirm what I had found on my own so I plead not guilty on my red light camera ticket. But I forgot the speeding ticket here so I'm going to have to go in again to deal with that... Got to work around 1ish and jumped into work only to...
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St. Patrick's day we meet again...

Seems like all my plans for today fell through and now I'm stuck at home trying to figure out what I'm going to do. Oh well, there are worst situations to be in I suppose. I have to cases of Guinness in the fridge waiting for me so I've got something to keep me company at least.

Update: And...
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God why did I go to work today... Had a doctors appointment in the morning so it was only a half day but I felt like crap when I got up and it hasn't changed. I think I might actually try and get in bed and asleep before midnight for once...
Long day is long.

Spent most of the day watching news about Japan and cleaning. Between the 8.9 earthquake and the tsunami waves you would think that Japan had enough trouble but apparently not one but two nuclear power plants are having issues. I hope that everything turns out alright for them there.