My anger is debilitating. I wanted to grab my little black book to write and express my thoughts. and my attempt to have a single comprehensive recording of my feelings has failed, yet again due to my inability to locate the damn thing.

I am sad and disappointed. A day who's conclusion seemed to be so perfect is shattered. The culmination of an incredible inspiration...
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hello sweety,

thank you for your comment....
have a nice day
I am officially addicted to anime torrents.

I have downloaded far too much to be considered healthy. Its like smack, only without the track marks, or debilitating withdrawal symptoms. Not that I've ever done smack...well I'm just digging my own reputational grave aren't i?
I have a fear that I am going to fall down on my way to work. Then fall asleep, and then not wake up until I actually get a full nights rest. I'll likely have people's footprints all over my body and be half way into an ambulance on the way to the coroner but I don't care! AAAAAAAAH~! puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke skull
you poor thing.!
I have my last exam today. Stupid Motivational Psychology. Its really not all that motivating, its a fucking biology course essentially.

Hey, did you know that adrenalin causes motivation? Holy no shit batman!
Did you know that we are biologically wired to seek sex and pro-create? Nooooo really? I never would have thought that we are like every other animal on the planet!

So I...
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Just a little edit to my note, the biological basis for seeking sex may be set in pro-creation, but need not result in the desire for heterosexual sex.
Great...now I'm talking to myself...I'm going nuts. eeek
Man...what a day.

I got totally throttled by classes today. Several days of little sleep will do that to a person I suppose.

I am very tired, and should be sleeping right this second...but I made a promise to myself that I would write a little reflective blerb each day.

I'm really tempted just to go on and use the word blerb as much as...
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Just in case any of you are wondering I am happy.

I'm happy because I have found an amazing invention.

Strawberry Cheesecake lube.

Its like there is a wonderfully smelling bakery in my pants.
Seriously one he best journals I have read it a long time...and by best one of the funniest...I wonder why I just didn't say funniest....Oh well...
I had an out of body experience while I slept today.

I seem to be running into the trails of myself all over the place. It makes everywhere feel like home.

I'm glad to be your new favourite!

Sounds oddly enjoyable...
God...money problems SUCK.....can't I just find a sugar momma or something? frown
I hate money.
I mean... I love it I just hate to not have it puke
Over the last year I've become a person I really don't like...bitter, sexist...manipulative...mostly towards women.

Lets just say I get the sex, and too often for it to mean much.. I finally find a girl who I want to settle down with, and its really hard to start caring again.

Same old story, I was hurt, hurt a lot, and hurt hard, left behind, let...
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Hey babe,
I know you pretty well so I get how the above is tough for you. Life is full of those shitty sacrifices that no matter what you do you're going to be sacrificing something.

Maybe ask her what you can do to prove yourself. For her it might be something like always being available or getting back to her right away if you're at work or something like that.

Anyway, I hope it all works out for you. I'm gonna give you a ring later to see if you know your friday schedual yet or not. And I'll tell you where and how to get to karaoke which is always on mondays.

Chin up, hopefully it all work out.
nice photo... smile