My hatred for university has reached entirely new levels, or the stupid people in them.

I thought that university was supposed to be a place where people go out to achieve higher learning. Teach themselves how to accomplish their goals in life. Work on their weaknesses and come out a better person.

I did not think that it was a place where it is fun...
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WOW psy, i can't believe this - if u wanna talk more about this i'm here to listen.

I go on a couple of dates with a girl, we have a good time, but there is little to no progress from one date to the next. We get to know each other a little each time we see one another, but I start to get the feeling like I'm falling into the friend zone, even though I'm honest with how I feel and...
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at least you were made aware of the baggage before you invested too much time? Also, how was the NIN show?
Fuckin eh!

I beat my way through the crowd of people and grabbed on to the barricades in front of the stage for dear life by a 1/4 way through Trent's set. The whole concert blew my mind. I was less than 2 meters away from Trent the whole time, singing along when the air wasn't crushed from my lungs from the mass of oinkpigs...
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I tried to get up front on the fragile tour but I was getting crushed even during the opener (aperfectcircle) so I bailed to the back. Saw this tour this past summer in Seattle and have a tkt for the Vegas show but not sure I can pull that trip off. Hard to see when you are way up close but there's some spectacular visuals to see on this tour.
I just commented on your Toronto sexaholics thread. Nothing too constructive but I will add here:
If I had your looks, I'd have the fkn Aids by now!
I have a spare Nine Inch Nails ticket for this friday in Hamilton. A friend will be giving me a ride back and forth to Toronto.

$72 bucks. Start begging bitches!
damn, I think that's too late for me to get it off work.
I want to get a tattoo done. I have a pretty clear idea for it, anyone know a good artist to design it for me? I wouldn't know where to start unless my arm/back are going to be cut off and stuck in a theatre...
I know some good Toronto artists, but the ones I would recommend are different depending on the type of tattoo.
What are you looking at having done?
No more fucking feeling sorry for myself. I'm back on track, thank god.

I owe that to a good friend's reality check. Hopefully I'll be able to set myself straight and quit that dwelling crapola.
So I'm feeling horrible.

I can't shake this feeling of loneliness off of me, and its starting to eat at me. When I'm at work, I'm fine. But every time I come home, I feel more and more alone.
Well, after a year and a half I am single. Her doing not mine.

I guess the details come down to she was bored, too busy with other things, and simply wasn't happy anymore.

I was content, but its a two way Street.

Meh, I've sucked it up and moved on. Overall I feel a lot more free, less inhibited in general, and a lot...
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I'm sorry to hear about your relationship but I'm glad you're moved on so quickly smile That's always the hardest part, I think.

ps. I'm glad you've reappeared.
Wow, its been quite some time since I've been writing in this here blog. Since I've been so busy with work lately there hardly seems time for anything I really care about anymore.

Its not that I have an undieing love for this blog, or anything of the like. But simply having the time to sit down and write is a bit of a novelty....
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I wish I had a super intelligent trained monkey to do all of my Arts Administration and CAD project for me.

I'm so tired of doing assignments *cry*
like u'll even need the roofies....wink

side note: HUGS!!!! Saving my life. I promise not to turn into a lazy, mooching in-law that never showers.
nah I plan on storing 90 percent of my stuff with ev or my aunt and uncle or..dig a big hole in the ground and bury it like treasure.....or best yet add it to the collection of rando things left in the founders storage rooms only for peeps to find it 30 years from now.

OHHH there will be presents. And I'm not just talking the accidental slip of my towel after my steamy morning shower ...
I have just over 800 hours until I'm DONE this STUPID degree so I can get a STUPID job and be rid of STUPID homework.

I'm really looking forward to living my own life for a while.
I invited someone who is very depressed to stay with me for a time so he may recover from his home life and he needs my help.

I tend to be very sensitive, and I know enough not to let one person's feelings suck me in. The problem is, having been depressed I know a good deal of solutions for the issue, however those solutions...
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thanx you very much for commenting on my set!!!
love love
No, I don't think you do! I added you because you seem awesome and live in the GTA! smile