Its been a good few weeks I guess. Still feeling run down and crappy but Ill survive (I hope)

I've seen two bands recently

The Hives; Swedens craziest rockershad the Birmingham academy rocking from start to finish (and the crazy support bands were great too!)

CSS: same venue, crap sound (you could tell she was singing.just not what about!) a sort of fuzzy noiselots of...
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thanks smile
How are you?
Thank you!
Wellthis week I have been feeling mainly crappy
Came back from Stockholm last week with a case of the lurgywas just getting over it and I went and got drunk on Saturday (it was a catch up with my old school chums who I haven't seen for months) and then after finally shaking the pounding headache I created for myself, On Sunday we went out...
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sounds like you got a plan there my friend !im really excited about crimbo this year too for some reason...and yes i bloody hate new year, this year should be ok going to this rock a billy night called born bad, only been once before but had so much fun danced my socks off!!!!could of been the music or the drugs hahah this week has turned into a nightmare, i quit my job, i cant work in a call centre anymore, i need something with responsabilites howere big or small, just so depressing, should be alright, think im strting at my friends nightclub this friday, just something tio tyde me over you know!!!im curtrently makeing veggie soup and listening to the beatles!poor you being at work kiss
god it sounds like you have it sorted...can i jave a job?i could be your tea girl!lol...starting in a nightclub this weekend, am excited!x
Well we had a big internal launch for a project I'm working on (available soon from all good process engineering stores near you!) and the traditional thing to do to keep all the sales people sweet is to take them on an activity eveningso last night in sub zero temperatures we went Pony cart trotting/harness racing! I'm sure theres some technical Swedish name for it...
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Ohh wow sounds like a lotta fun!!!!

EHope you enjoyed your ice cream biggrin
Awwww it's not so bad if its self inflicted, is there anything i can do to make time go faster??! I wish it was Friday x
Well, another day another dollar....back in the land of the Frozen elk and by god you can tell winters on its way...zero degrees when I arrived, than the baby Jeebus for my new coat! A hefty chunk of my credit card was spent on it but its well worth it so far!

Well today has been one of those days...Plane was late, coach was late,...
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Yay thankyou! I know it really has flown over!!

Hows you anyway? have you seen the new episode of The Boosh yet?? You can watch it here! http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcthree/ biggrin xxx
Your bathroom light exploded? Same happend to me but with my lamp, in the middle of the night, scared this shit out of me!!!!
I've jsut lost the entire days work after microsoft excel deemed it relevant to corrupt the spreadsheet I've been working on all day! Gotta larf though aintcha! Though it seems like such a cop out to have to inform your boss you cant answer his telecon question as "The spreadsheet wont open"

H hum...well, I've just invested a shed load of money in a toast...
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indeed smile
You need to get a mac, much more reliable! Have fun with your ironing, i have loads here if you wanna do mine too!
Well, Last weekend was ACE!

My best friend got married in the lakes (Not literally IN the lakes...but in the lake district) in a nice hotel on Lake ullswater. Everyone made the effort to turn up even if it was a fair old hike for most of the guests!

I was best man no 2 (I got to organise the stag do but didnt have...
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Woo binge drinking rocks, so do weddings biggrin
Thanks for your nice comment, glad your enjoying my ass tongue
Two updates in two days...I must have no life!

Actually I've had an unscheduled weekend stopover in Stockholm due to a sudden massive amount of work that's been dumped on meand I've been procrastinating over it all weekend

Luckily it's freezing cold outside and keeps trying to rain, otherwise I'd be pottering about the place enjoying the great outdoors

Well what have I got up...
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Thank you smile

will do!!!the ripps are ace, glad your a fan...im her super fan got her name tattooed on my arse lol and vice versa.hope sweden is treating ya well fella, i used to do bar at browns and the door staff(although i love them and are like an adopted family to me)are absolute cunts!!!they really dont know there arse from there elbow sometimes and get it wrong alot!when you coming to brighton land???X
Well well well.Where the bloody hell did July august and September go??! I blinked and they were goneso I haven't updated for what seems like eons, ages and a fairly long time to boot....I'm now, due to exponentially increasing workloads, stuck in Sweden for the weekend, so thought I'd skive off for a while and let you know what's happened in the world of Hobo...
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blates ill be back!!!!my blood is sky blue eeek and im proud...dont you love the transport museum, i highlight when im showing anyone rounf the city of dreams!xxxx kiss
hahah to true about the transport museum, i used to love the blitz bit, when i was little it scared the shit out of me!cov arent doing to bad at the mo, couldnt believe my eyes when they beat man.u!will be sure to keep an eye out for anything down the back of my couch!lol biggrin did you watch the england match yesterday???you look familar did you used to go to browns a lot??X kiss
Well today I am pooped!

The damned sun rises so early over here at the moment.in fact I think it rises before it even setsIts broad daylight at about 3am and can I sleep like this? Can I bugger!

So I too (phnarr phnarr) and turn for four hours before I drag my sorry ass out of bed and grab a train to work, whee...
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I was down south unfortunately. It was a great festival though, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. xx
aww yay! thanks for that! biggrin Hope rock climbing went okay!!

Well its been ages since I wrote anything.but then its ages since anything mildly amusing or different happened.ho hum!

Work work work, drink drink drinkif fact Drinking has become tiresome at the momentwhich is a sign I'm heading for one of my low periods biggrin where we continually mull over all those deep and meaningful life questions i.e. What am I doing with my life?!!

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Well after another mental week which involved:

One of thos days where evryhting that can go wrong does go wrong.
My boss phoning in sick and then going AWOL for three days
Train staff that seem to make up the price of tickets
A baby Squirrel

the week is now over smile
Tomorrow is a national holiday here in sweden, and hence a day off...and being...
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Yeaaah its weird, I thought I'd feel all YAY but I kinda feel a bit hmmmf and don't really know what to do with myself!!

Hope u get drunk!!