1. What did you do in 2010 that you'd never done before? Er, took an IT exam? Signed on for benefits? Oh, visited Liverpool and Anglesey! Wow, I guess my year was a riot in 2010!
2. Did you keep your New Years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year? Pretty sure I didn't make any again, but I have made some for...
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I love forms smile
They do normally work...is very confusing. And even if I stand on the table I am not tall enough to assess the issue close up.
Will have to wait until I am less alone smile
It's amazing what a few drinks and shaking your ass for a while can do for your spirits.
They should prescribe it at the doctors-- I think it'd cure all manner of ailments.
Too expensive to get down there frown
Me fucking too.
Today I realised why I feel obliged to take photos of the snazzy hotel rooms I stay in.

It's not because I want to show off. Not principally, anyway.
I can't quite remember the thought process that led me to this conclusion, but I've decided it's because staying in a room that doesn't belong to anyone is a lonely experience, particularly if you do it...
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i wish i could be having that dinner with you.. we could be lonely together
Sad times.
frown What's up?
Haha it could well have been me! Do you remember what I was wearing?
I'm pretty sure some people came with the intention to create chaos as the building was evacuated due to smoke grenades being lobbed in (I'm fairly sure that's true). Obviously then the pack mentality took hold of some of the more idiotic students. Even more idiotic is that many of those involved spoke to and gave their names proudly to the news cameras. What fools.
At the end of the day I'd rather let my view be heard rather than idly sit by and complain. There is obviously little chance of it having any effect (now especially because of the rioting) but I think it's quite jaded and cynical for some (not you, many other people have said it to me) to say 'what is the point' and slag off protesters for trying. These kinds of people and their promotion of inactivity allow the very thing they comment on - the deafness of the government to the opinions and pleas of the people they serve.
This is on the soundtrack of my favourite film of all time. I found the soundtrack on iTunes tonight, so I thought I'd share this youtube video:

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

She's a babe! Schwing!! Yubby-yubby-yubby!

What's your favourite film?
What song do you love from a film soundtrack?

Radiohead from the album entitled In Rainbows.
What is it in a person that makes them sabotage a good thing?
Is it to do with feeling undeserving of good things?
Or is it a way of testing to see how good it is? That if you try to ruin it and it still works, that it's somehow better? Or maybe worse?

Is there a difference between good things, that are healthy for...
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Over the last few days, I've begun to recognise redundant words in the English language:

"Listen..." If they're not listening, this word will go unheard.

"Trust me" "Believe me..." If you have to say this, you're unlikely to instill any more faith than the person already had.

"No comment, no add" If the hopeful was going to add you without reading your profile or talking...
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Job interview went well, but they gave it to someone who had more specific experience than I do. No biggie-- I wasn't really committed to the job anyway.

With the prospect of actually having a job looming over me, today I understand why being unemployed isn't like being on school holidays.
I mean, apart from needing money and not having any, which of course makes...
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lulllz. you said "spaff"
also, upon perusing, i believe to have spaffed as well. hottie, hott, hotinski..... mc hottenstein............... hotterooski...